> I'll be the first to admit i've not been on this list as long as others, but
> is there any way to ban these people from spamming the list like this again?
> it appears that two have done this in the past day.  I dont mind legit md
> stuff appearing, but this is crazy.


I don't know what's going on. I'm on this list since january 1998 and I
haven't seen this before. Two spams in such a sort time???

what's up?


Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
   something happened which unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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