
I'm brand new to this list. I bought a Sony MZ-R70 through Minidisco.com
last week (my first MD unit) and I am very satisfied with it and I will
write a detailed review of the product for the web in a month or so.

I am now looking to buy blank MDs, and lots of 'em. My dilemma is as follows:

I bought some cheap Memorex blanks long before I finally ordered an MD
device. Now that I am finally using them, I really REALLY like the slip
cases. No hinges to think about breaking, no fumbling with it to remove the
disc... very simple and effective.

As far as I can tell, the only advantage to flip style cases is that they
feature a paper liner (much like blank cassette tape cases) which gives the
user space to write about the MDs contents.

However, this is fairly useless to me as I will be using a
numbering/cataloging system to keep track of my MDs contents. I do a lot of
field recording (not bootlegging) and no disc will keep the same
information on it for very long.

Hi-Space is the cheapest brand I can find on-line (Mystic Minidisc), but
they don't offer slip-cases.

If anyone can tell me why flip cases rule, or point me to cheap slip-case
MDs, I'd be much obliged.


P.S. - I assume it's safe to put an MD device through an airport 
x-ray machine... Please let me know if I'm wrong :)
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