===================BEGIN QUOTE==================
Is there such a function in the Sony JE530 deck?
If yes, how do I activate it? I couldn't find anything like that in the
=================EBD QUOTE======================

Speaking from experience with using a JE520 that I sometimes borrow, to do a
"record overwrite", you select the track which you want to overwrite using
the AMS knob, place the unit in PLAY-PAUSE mode then press RECORD.

The top line will display "Overwrite" when you press RECORD and the timing
display will show the track number, with a flashing "Tr" as well as the
elapsed or remaining time on the disc.

When you press PLAY to start recording, you then are overwriting the rest of
the disc.

The JE530 would use the same procedure for this practice, since it is based
on the JE520.

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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