> Kheops GlassArt wrote:
> > I said to a lot of people that my goal was not to make money with
> > and it's true... The reason I started this company was because I was not
> > able to buy for myself blanks minidiscs in small quantity at good price.

Replied to by Neon John:
> Misguided altruism mixed in with some vague socialist notion that
> profit is bad. Look, if you really do want to provide a service to
> internet minidisc people, then do them and yourself a favor and make
> a profit.  That way, maybe you'll still be around a year from now.
> It doesn't do anyone any good if, in 6 months you either get bored
> and/or find the need to pay your light bill and have to go off to do
> something else.

I would like to back this up. I have for a long time been offering help to
people on the internet - talking them through problems setting up software,
sorting out problems caused by hackers, removing viruses etc. I also used to
post very frequently on alt.audio.minidisc and earned quite a good
reputation there offering help and advice. Being somewhat overly
good-natured I did this at quite an expense to myself and I'm now in a
situation where I am struggling to pay the phone bill (no free net access)
and may have to come off-line altogether as my current financial situation
is rather less than rosy.

Had I sold advertising space or put affiliate schemes on my site when it was
at it's peak I may have made enough money to pay for the on-line time and
expenses incurred, but I didn't. As is often said, you learn from your

I don't think anyone is against you making a profit as long as you're not
being greedy.

"Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."

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