I currently have my DVD player (Samsung 709) hooked up to my minidisc
bookshelf (Sharp MD-X5H) in my bedroom, using the coaxial digital out on the
DVD player, and the coax digitial in on my bookshelf. I use this as an audio
amp, and also to record the audio from DVDs to MD (have at least an hour
each-way commute in the car, and find recording certain DVDs that are
conducive to audio recording, an interesting way of passing the time).

In the audio properties / setup on my DVD player it's set to PCM (there's
only two options - this or bitstream, and bitstream just results in noise on
my bookshelf).

When I'm recording to MD, I have no issues acquiring the digital source, and
can record digitally just fine. But I was sort of expecting the chapters to
be brought across as track marks, but this doesn't happen. In the main, I
get one big track - which I can then split up, if I want, manually. I think
some of my recordings have the odd track mark in, but I think these are only
the ones with the odd silent pause.

On my Sharp, the automark functionality is redundant, when recording
digitally, I think it may put track marks for length silences, but I was
wondering about the chapter points.

If anybody else does this sort of thing, do you get chapter marks? And can
anyone think of a reason why this would / wouldn't happen, or if there's
something I'm missing that would be stopping this.



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