James Jarvie wrote,

| I listen to classical music on both CD and MD.  I
| would estimate that approximately 1/2 my 1,750 CDs are
| of classical music.
| I have never bought a pre-recorded MD (I would like
| to; but I can't find anything for sale that I want). 
| I have been satisfied for the most part with the way
| in which the classical music that I have recorded has
| been rendered on MD.  

In comparing James's home-made MDs of classical music recorded from CDs on
his Sharp portable to premastered MDs, one has to conclude that the pre-
mastered MDs have to be at least as good and possibly better, since their
ATRAC algorithms can be fine-tuned and adapted to do the best job possible
for the type of music being mastered, whereas the consumer unit has one set
of guidelines hard-coded in it for every type of sound it records.  Ergo, if
James finds his own dubs from CD satisfactory, premastered MDs of classical
works have to be at least as good, maybe better.

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