John Rolt asked regarding the JE520,

| So, are there any instructions out there for using the huge remote control
| (the manuals, in 7 languages, hardly mention it)?

The monolingual manual that came with my North American 520 didn't have a
separate section for the remote; as it describes each function, it covers
anything particular to the remote that relates to that feature.

| In particular, I'd like to know if anyone knows any sharp tricks for
| marking and deleting tracks - it's so easy to just hit the button on the
| MZR-30, instead of doing Menu / -> etc / Divide / Yes / adjust it...  Yes.
| The manual mentions one can do instant track-marking by hitting the record
| button while it's already recording, but I want to do it while playing
| back/editing.

The only editing for which the remote offers a shortcut around the menu is
titling.  The only shortcut for dividing is to push AMS during playback (and
if you are satisfied with the point where you pushed it and don't need to
rehearse, just press YES on either the panel or the remote).  This discus-
sion came up once before, and I said that the shortcut into division wasn't
possible from the remote.  Some wag -- whom I would spare the mention of his
name if I remembered who it was -- responded that if you threw the remote at
the AMS knob such that it pushed it and recoiled back within your reach, you
could divide a track with the remote without going through the edit menu.

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