Hello there. I'm new to the list, so I apologize if similar messages have been posted 

Anyway, I'm looking to buy an MD unit for my beloved Saturn. I am rather partial (ok, 
very partial!)
to the Kenwood KMD-42 unit. Problemo numero uno: this Kenwood unit only has one input, 
and I want to
keep both a tape deck and my cd changer. That brings up problemo numero dos, but I'll 
get to that in
a sec. Back to "uno." If there is only one input on this unit, is there some kind of 
switch or
adapter that I can use so that I can play my cd's and my tapes? Just wondering. If 
not, is there a
player out there that has more than one input?

Problemo dos: If I do get this new deck, it will only fill half of my oversized Saturn 
deck opening.
I planned to fill in with a tray, but I hoped I could find a tape deck that would fit 
there too. The
kind of cassette deck I'd be looking for would be simple: it'd have the tape slot, and 
play/stop/cue buttons..that's it. I've seen them before, so I know they exist. Here's 
what my dream
car deck looks like:
|                                   |
|                |                  |

Is it at all possible?? If anyone knows, I'd much appreciate some feedback. In fact, 
I'd appreciate
ANY and ALL feedback, on anything in this email..so feel free to write back!

Well, you'll have to excuse my 2-year Spanish..sorry! Thanks in advance for the 
feedback that I KNOW
you guys will be giving me..haha..adios!


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