Timothy Stockman wrote,

| Preview from Video Direct:
| http://www.video-direct.com/news/preview6-12/mdsjb940.html
| Two things look interesting in the specifications:
| 1.  Scale factor edit.
| 2.  Reference to "SP" 80 minute mode.  This implies to me that future models
| may support an "LP" reduced-bit-rate mode for extended play time.

Previous word about this machine (which I think Rick Woudenberg posted here)
was that it would have reduced-bitrate, longer-play modes itself.  This page
from Video Direct states in one place that the capacity is eighty minutes of
stereo and in another that it's eighty minutes of stereo in SP mode.

We'll have to see what actually happens.  Scale factor edit alone has made me
lust for one, but the longer-play modes would be very useful for me as well,
so if it materializes with scale factor edit but longer play is deferred for
a later model, I'll have to think long and hard to decide whether to buy one.

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