I don't know how many people out there have managed to actually have a look
at this. Those of you who haven't, I managed to find a place you can DL it
from on the web.

A couple of things to note however....  it was a bit of a bugger to get to
work as it is the Chinese version.

Those of you who DO want to at least have a look at it, it can be found
here -


Unfortunately BECAUSE it is the Chinese version the installer didn't work
(or at least I think thats the reason...)

As a result I had to use i5comp to pry the DATA1.CAB file open. That useful
little util can be found here -


Aside from that you are going to need to have Creative Playcenter installed
if you don't already - I didn't ^_^;;;

Drop the files from data1.cab into the same directory as the playcenter.
Usually -

C:\Program Files\Creative\PlayCenter\

Leaving it at that if you run it now will bring up an error saying something
about MDSvr.dll.  The DLL needs to be registered in order to work.

Make a reg file with this in it and run it.

"GrpConv"="grpconv.exe -o"
"MiniDisc"="C:\\WIN98SE\\SYSTEM\\REGSVR32.EXE /s \"C:\\Program

Once done reboot and the MD Center should work.

It was a hell of a pain to get working...

Or you could just get the one file from here -


Just drop the files into the Playcenter dir, run the reg then reboot.

It *SHOULD* work.....

You shouldn't have too much of a had time figuring out what all the buttons

Have fun!

James Budworth

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