<<  > One last thought.  I always hear that they reason VHS won out over
Beta was
> because you could fit more time on a VHS cassette.  This was because the
> VHS cassette was a little bigger and could hold more take than Beta.

<<  I think it has more to do with the fact that Sony refused to license the
format to othe vendors.  THe competitors all had to go with VHS, and
since there was more VHS equipment than Beta, Beta lost out.  Same with
Apple computers.  >>  (J. Coon)

This is not true.  Sony *did* license Betamax to other companies, among
them, Sanyo, Toshiba, Zenith, and NEC.  (FAST FORWARD:  HOLLYWOOD, THE
JAPANESE, AND THE VCR WARS, by James Lardner, pp. 159, 307)  Those companies
eventually switched their loyalties, however, to the VHS format, as that
format increased in popularity (mainly due its longer recording time).  VHS
VCR's were also generally cheaper than Betamax VCR's, and Sony's licensing
fees were higher than JVC's, I believe, making it less attractive to
prospective manufacturers.  All these factors worked against Betamax and
doomed it to the electronic dustbin of history, where it now resides with
8-track and other failed consumer electronic formats....


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