Since this list is a fountain of all knowledge when it comes to MD and
other nifty stuff, I thought I'd ask this here...

I'm a karaoke singer, not a good one, but I try to improve.  So I figure
one way I can improve is to record myself singing using my trusty MD

I don't really want to record myself in the karaoke bar since, apart from
the risk of getting my nice MZ-R50 stolen or damaged, I can only get down
there once a week.  Plus the place has a great sound system that lets you
hear yourself sing very clearly, so you can kinda gauge how you're doing
without recording yourself and playing it back.

So now my question - is there any software that would allow a computer to
play a standard Karaoke disc?  This would need to be complete with
graphics (and proper timing on the graphics!) and everything.

And yes, I checked out Soft Karaoke (came with my SoundBlaster Live) and (I think that's what it was) - they don't have most of
the songs I sing, and the midi renditions of the ones they do have are
poor at best and insanely terrible at worst.

Any thoughts?

-- Dave Kimmel
   ICQ: 5615049 

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