> Let someone do to him what happened to expresident
> Reagan's press secretary,
> Brady and watch how fast (just like Brady's)
> political convictions change!  I
> think that everyone who has some strong political
> convection, should be put in
> the possession of a person who is affected by they
> that political decision.

I agree whole-heartedly with you.  I think ever
f------g republican in the great (please read the
previous word in a tone of sarcasm) US of A that has
ever voted against gun control should have a spouse or
child blown away by someone and then see if he can
justify his stance )of course I don't want to see that
happen to anyone - but I'm so pissed off that I have
to say that if it did, things might actually change. 
I hate George W. Bush, but would accept him as
president if someone would assisinate him  and thus
drive the point home (Again, I don't really want to
see anyone else deprived of a loved one by some
deranged gun-toting individual, but sometimes I think
that the only way a god-d----d republican will ever
learn would be if it happened to his family).

Also, in many of the movies being released today, the
nudity is the only redeeming quality.

Anyway, I like your idea of a MD being provided to all
at birth; except I think it should be at a slightly
later age, as a rite of passage...say maybe upon
beginning first grade.

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