> BTW, I know I'm a new guy and mostly just lurk, so
> maybe I don't
> contribute and my opinion doesn't matter to some of
> you.  So before you
> write me back and go "Good, maybe you should just
> leave," I already
> realize that, so no need to waste more bandwidth. :)
> Laters,
> Brian  

I for one would arther you stay on the list, whether
you contribute or simply lurk.  

> Now, unless you have something meaningful to add, do
> kindly shut the hell up. I don't like talking to
people who turns> discussions into these petty 
> comments.
> Albert

What did you major in: rudeness?  I realize that
larry's comment may have been inappropriate, but
anyone who tells someone else to "shut the hell up"
does not, in my opinion, belong on this list.  


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