For those who think they know their technology
and how to relate to a list, and with apology for
going off MD topic (at least I put it in the subject).

In the time it took to give an explanation of how to do
mail sorting, posting an item that has NOTHING to do
with MD and, ignoring the fact that you could just post
links to URLs describing such items you posters show
your disdain and disrespect for the other members of
the list by your actions.


in ignoring that you can use the very same technology
to sort from two lists (or more) into the same subject folder,
achieving "virtual oneness" of your list including all of
your varied and wondrous multiple MD sources and making
them look as one,

you simply bypass the simple fix you yourself can achieve
while attempting to impose some a more cumbersome and
useless use of the same technology upon others, all the
while you totally disregard the point of THIS list ---->MD.

  So if we want this list to keep debating the procedural aspects
of various email packages, let's rename this list to email-l
and start a new list for MD.  You're debating a position that's
just clueless in its logic.   You've shown that you have the
power, awareness, skill and logic to use the programs in
your arsenal to achieve what you wish to achieve, all the
while without imposing a single amount of hassle on anyone
else.  Yet, you choose to propose the tact that would impose
such a method on others.  Think about it, at this point you're
arguing a position, which clearly makes no sense and you're
staying off topic with multiple posts in an attempt to prove
yourself correct in your method.

And for your information, in some areas of the WORLD,
some people actually pay for their service based on the
amount of time on line or amount downloaded.  Its not
fair to them to impose our ugly American, it's free, just
use the technology routine on them.

As for me, I sub to several MD related lists.  Some I sub
on a digest mode and some on a per post mode.  And you
know what, I sort them as I d@mn well please.  Quit trying to
tell me I need to sub to the daily list and screen for SPAM,
if I'd wanted to do that I'd already have done it.  If you want
a list like with no digests that talks about MD and best deals
and email programs and operating systems and didgereedoos,
I don't care --- go start one.  Let's keep this one on topic.

Use the technology you describe to achieve that which
you seem to be complaining about and stop trying to impose
SPAM or the need to screen SPAM on the rest of us.
If you want it all to look like individual lists in single posts,
just sort it to one folder and read it as if it was.  You can have your
cake and eat it too, without imposing your method to the expense
of how others choose to use technology.  As Nike says, Just Do It.

Can you GROK that?????

If its SPAM and its more than once per month and/or it
doesn't reside in a one line signature, it doesn't belong on
any list.  A SPAM IS A SPAM IS A SPAM.   (with apologies to
ee cummings).

Oh and FYI, I'm not taking any bait or trolling for a flame war,
if you want to debate, take me on off list.  I think I've clearly shown
the fatal flaw in your position.
Gary Warren

"I take my woman on the beach, fellas, and set down in the sand
  and play."  Muddy Waters (Deep Down In Florida)

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