Everyone who is sending lots of posts to the list moaning about the
advertising e-mails we keep getting ar being hypocrites (sp?) Can you please
stop, and ony send MD related messages. I think you have got your point
across that you don't want Peter Forest to send these messages. It has been
said, and I think he has taken note. Now can we end tis pointless topic of
conversation and start talking about Minidisc again??

That is all I am saying on this matter, as it is all I think needs to be
said. If certain people still insist on posting lots of messages about the
whole Kheops advertising, I may have to start ignoring their messages as

Thank you


P.S -  Some have said what Peter is sending is spam. It is not. Spam is
unsolicited e-mail, the simple fact that you subscribed to this list means
that it is not unsolicited, so don;t call it spam. The only reason I am
saying this is to clear up a misunderstanding a lot of people have.

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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