Yann Weber wrote:
I'm sure people with german sounding names will highly

> appreciate such an intelligent remark. Especially regarding
> Heinrich Hertz who was Jewish.

Well now there you have me.  I did not know that and I am Jewish.  I
guess that it was wrong of me to draw any conclusions from a name.  But
my statement was made in jest anyway.  I just don't like them doing away
with cps and that's what it is really about for me.

It is easy for someone who grew up using Hz to be comfortable with the
term and accept it.  But what if you spent your youth drooling over
Fisher stereo components (Marantz too).  These were the kings about 38
years ago when I was a kid.

I would wait for Hi Fidelity magazine to come out each month and read
all of the specs.  I used to get to read them in my high school
library.  Then came Hi Fi / Stereo Review (which is now called Stereo

Everything was about cps.  It's like the people in Florida.  The federal
government decided to rename Cape Canaveral (sp?) Cape Kennedy without
ever consulting with them.  For years the name on a map depended where
the map came from.

If it was actually made in Florida it still said Canaveral.  All of the
national maps said Kennedy.  The people actually fought so hard they
finally changed it back.

That's the way it is for me and cps.

This is not a problem for me, but in the 1930's and earlier, there was
actually resentment by German Jews against the "lower class" eastern
European Jews.  So if it was 1930, maybe I'd have an other reason for
not liking the name Hertz if I were pure eastern European.

Actually I'm not sure where my father's ancestors are from, but my
mother, of blessed memory, was born in Austria.

The old Groucho Marx joke about not being allowed too join a country
club because he was Jewish and then later being asked to join (that
where the famous line comes from "I would not belong t an organization
that would have me as a member comes from, sort of).

Actually, it had nothing to do with his being Jewish at all.  It was the
fact that he was an eastern European Jew and the club was a German
Jewish country club.

According to the famous hollywood Rabbi, when asked when the class thing
would end, his replay was "when the ugly German Jewish girls marry the
Eastern European Jewish doctors and lawyers"

This all comes from a really great book that I would highly recommend,
"An Empire of Their Own, How the Jews Invented Hollywood".


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