Bish Ashleigh wrote:

> Larry -
> you must be aware that the correct English spelling of 100 cm is one Metre.
> A meter is an instrument that measures a variable. As we in England seem to
> be the ones who originated the hash that eventually became English, 'twould
> seem most fair if our spelling is more correct that the bastardised U.S.
> versions that we oft smirk at! Perhaps you were sleeping, after all?

What is spoken in the us is American then I guess.  An English dialect so to
speak.  But the English have alone a pretty good job of bastardizing their own
language.  There is the Queen's English (so day it will be the King's again) and
there is everything else like Cockney.  That sounds just as bad as anything that
we Yanks have done to proper English.

The Australians have done a pretty good job of bastardizing proper English (I
love the Australians, but I don't care for the way they have handled your
language.  About as bad as Cockney.

> I agree that cycles per second is more descriptive than Hz ... aren't we an
> odd lot who prefer to use dead men's surnames to decribe a scientific
> process than to call a spade a spade.

Why do we do that??  It makes no sense does it?  Also, someone claimed that Hz in
universal.  Is it really???  Is it used in every country in the world?

Once again I start this dumb thread that should have probably been just ignored
and it receives response after response.  When I make what to me seems like an
important contribution to the list and is on topic, people usually ignore it :)

Well I hope that everyone has a great Halloween.  It's just not the same when you
don't have little kids anymore or live in a location where your door bell keeps
ringing.   I live on the highway and no one comes to us.

BTW (totally off topic) this is actually a pagan holiday.  It was banned by the
Church.  But that wouldn't stop people from practicing it, so they dubbed it "All
Saints Day".  But it is really not a religious holiday.  I love it though.
Actually I have a tie in to MD.

You could make a great scary MD collecting all kinds of sounds and setting your
MD player to continuous play.  Then stick some speakers outside of your house and
let the fun begin.

Tomorrow is hump day (gotta get over the Wed. hump).

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