Peter, he doesn't really have get a new sound card.  He can record
analog and for the most part it will still sound just as good.  Of
course if he insists on making digital recording he will have to upgrade
the sound card like you say.  His recorder will have a line in and a
digital in.  It will work either way.

Peter Forest wrote:
> La meilleure solution a ton probleme serait d'acheter une carte de son ou un
> MD Port Digital pour ton ordinateur...
> Meme avec un enregistrement digital, le transfert des nom de track ne se
> fera pas... Tu auras une excellent qualite de son pratiquement identique a
> l'original ainsi que les tracks divise au bon endroit...
> Si tu as besoin de plus amples informations, fais moi le savoir par email...
> ---------------------------------------
> ***Peter Forest***

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
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