> >My MZ-R90 started playing up recently by skipping (jumping a lot and
> >cutting out - just like a scratched vinyl LP). Luckily it was still under
> It has skipped on my a bit even when I am just walking.
> My r-30 never did this and it did not have a fantastic 40 sec memory.
> r-90 mechanical sounds are louder.

I think the reason for this is the r-90 sometimes uses a 'power-saving' mode
which spins the disc up, reads up to 40 seconds of data in advance and spins
down again. A short while later it will spin up again to read in the next
chunk of audio data.  Problem is, if you're out walking and you jog the unit
when it's trying to spin up and read in the next chunk, it will take a while
to find the right place on the disc again, meaning it might not have got
around to reading in audio data before the previous 40-second memory has
been used up!!

A bit crap, if you ask me.  I think there's a way to disable this 'mode' - i
*KNOW* that Sharp units have a similar setting and you can enable it (for
better battery life) and disable it (for SENSIBLE usage of the antishock
memory, i.e. offering 40 seconds of SKIP PROTECTION rather than just using
it as a crummy battery-life-preserving buffer).  I don't know how to disable
it on Sony units, unfortunately.
Could somebody please tell me / us how to disable the power-saving
'feature' - assuming there IS a way to disable it?  I too have an MZR90 and
I've started noticing it on my unit now.  If it wasn't for the fact that I
physically hate the sound of Sharp ATRAC compression I wish I'd stuck with
my MT831!


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