Don Capps wrote:

> Timbre matching = special EQ settings used to correct for different speaker
> reproduction characteristics...
> for example, it is most commonly used to correct for the effect caused by
> surround sound information as it passes from the front (and generally more
> coherent) channels to the rear (and generally more diffuse) channels
> Decorrelation = uses out-of-phase information (in the rear surround
> channels) to give the illusion of a larger/broader rear soundstage (i.e. a
> "more open" sound)...only used when the rear channel information is a
> matrixed mono signal rather than discrete

Thanks for the information.  From what you say, Decorrelation does not apply to
Dolby Digital.

Going back to my Quadraphonic days, one thing that I can tell you, the
difference between matrixed and discrete is a difference of night and day.  The
best quadraphonic album I have had was a 4 channel reel to reel copy of BTO's
"Not Fragile".

But the hiss really bothers me.  That's about the only thing that makes me
tolerate digital over analog.  I hate hiss even more than what digital
processing does to the sound.


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