> Donald Person wrote...
>    Well everyone -- I think we're fighting a losing battle. While I
>personally love MD, I think it's dying out here in the US. The
>manufacturers didn't do enough in the advertising department to begin
>with, and now many manufacturers are pulling out of MD all together!
>Can you believe blank cassettes STILL out-sell MD's and even CD-R's
>??? Don't these people realize that MD is the ONLY replacement for
>cassette because of the ease-of-use and re-recordability?? (But all
>of us know that already.)

 Well, I have to say that my own anecdotal evidence from the UK is
rather different. In the UK, the minidisc scene seems to have exploded
in the last year. I see almost as many people with personal minidisc
units as cassette walkmans now. Everyone seems to be buying them.
Additionally, if you go into any branch of Dixons (the dominant high
street electronics retailer in the UK) its difficult to find a hi-fi
system *without* an integrated minidisc. And in contrast to the US,
I've only ever *seen* ONE person actually using a personal MP3 player,
and I certainly don't know anyone who owns one. 
 Can anyone else back me up on this (perhaps with some industry 
 That said, I think in the long term, Minidisc is doomed. As soon as
someone comes up with a personal MP3 player with integrated IBM
Microdrive, I think MP3 will have found its 'killer player'. Afterall,
it'll be *tiny* with massive capacity. In fact, does anyone know this
hasn't happened already? (And please nobody point out that you *can*
slot a Microdrive into some PDAs, and then use it to play MP3s. Thats
clearly not what I meant)

Robin Landy
Manchester University
Mobile: 07968 775304
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