Dan Frakes wrote:

> Headroom sells an external battery pack for many CD players, and they
> even include a note that  "We can 4D holders for certain portable CD
> players.  Call us for details." I am assuming that they could do the same
> for MD players.

Don't mean to hog the site, but you keep mentioning things that bring back
memories.  When I bought my portable CD player, the external (you didn't
actually put batteries into the player back then, they used too much power
and would take up too much space) battery pack was not available yet.

We were going to Hawaii and I wanted to take along my CD player.  So I went
to Radio Shack and bought a C Cell battery holder and made my own "portable".
power supply.  Primitive by today's standards, but it helped make the time on
the long flight pass.  l

I remember lying on the beach listening to Air Supply (don't make fun-this
was a long time ago <G>) and the Little River Band (I actually still like
TLRB some what.  Admittedly they do not have the staying power of the Eagles
or Moody Blues.  But I used to listen to ABBA [is that how they spelled it?]
once too and have no burning desire to download any of their MP3s).

That was about 15 years ago.  Maybe a little more.  But there was already a
magazine out called Digital something or other.  The editor was a guy whose
last name was Green.  He was not that young even then, but was ahead of his
time.  He also published a magazine devoted to laptop computers.

They had to change there name because one of the other audio magazines said
it was too similar to theirs even though it had the word Digital in it.

BTW that's where the assh0le Ken Pohmann (or whatever the jerks name is) get
his start.  I didn't like him them (he reviewed new CDs and was just as
clueless about music as he is about audio.

I think that he went to the University of Florida for his degree in audio.
No I have not followed present history of that college, but years ago you
could take the diploma they issued and use it for a paper airplane.

All of the brainless athletes used to graduate from there.  Again, that was
along time ago.  It may be a fine college today so don't start sending in the

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