On 19 Feb 2001 18:34:42 -0500, Stainless Steel Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>* John Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Mon, 19 Feb 2001
>| Would you pay over $200 for an MD player?
>More to the point, would I pay over $200 for a portable MD recorder?  The
>answer to that for me is four times yes: Sony MZ-R30, Sharp MS-702, Sony
>MZ-R90, Sharp MS-722.  The R30 was the most expensive unit when purchased,
>at $350.

To be clear, I'm asking about a player only, not recorder.  I have an MZ-R50
that I paid $465 for when it first hit the market three years ago.  It has been
wonderful.  Now that I have a 940 deck with LP4 I want to use that for time
shifting radio.  So I need a player.  Otherwise I'm taking 2-4 hours to copy the
LP4 over to mono on the R50.  That will work but it's is time consuming making
the transfer.

So I'm looking for a portable player.  I have an E40 and most of the time a
player is just fine and if I need portable recording I do have the R50.  

I would spend $200 for a player, reluctantly.  I would be very happy at $100.
It needs to have LP4 capability.

-jts <Arlington, TX>

PS.  I think I know what my options are, by I may be overlooking something.
Else it looks like I'll be doing without for a while longer.
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