I am a regular reader of the MD list, but have never seen this particular
problem discussed.  When I record individual tracks to MD from LPs or CDs
in analog mode and fade them out manually at the end of the track
(leaving a few seconds between each cut)  the silence between tracks is
absolutely silent and the transition is smooth.  When I load the MD to my
computer (using Adaptec CD Creator 4 Deluxe) and then burn a CD there is
a hiss between tunes that isn't on the MD.  If   If I transfer the MD 
one track at a time into CD Creator and let the program put the silence
between the tracks it will go to dead silence, but it is an abrupt cutoff
rather than a smooth fade to silence - almost like you flipped a switch
rather than did a volume fade.  Does this explanation make any sense to
anyone?  I've heard this same type of thing on commercial discs, so the
"big guys" have the same problem, but I've always blamed it on sloppy
editing on their part.  When I do a direct CD-CD copy using the Adaptec
software the results are always the same as the original disc, so I know
it's not my computer.  Anybody out there have any thoughts?
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