I would just like to warn anyone thinking about getting one - it stinks.
The optical digital output on mine is DOA. I tried different drivers to no
avail, made sure SPDIF output was ENABLED. It still didn't work. When I
enabled SPDIF, the red LED in the toslink module turns on, but my MD
recorder says "No Signal". To make sure my MD recorder was working, I
plugged in my DVD player's digital out. It worked just fine, so the
Leadtek card's digital output is dead.
Not to mention every time I open the TV program for my All-In-Wonder Pro
video card, the mixer settings for CD input, LINE IN, FM, and Wave all
reset to the lowest position.

It would be cool if it worked, the digital setup program even has a
checkbox for setting the SPDIF out for MDLP - it sends a 32-bit digital

I had read on UseNet that CMI-8738 based video cards are hard to get with
working digital outputs (some posts specifically cite Zoltrix cards with
DOA digital outputs).  Looks like Leadtek is not immune to this problem.
Since there's no way to guarantee getting a good card and I don't want the
hassle of having to return a bunch of cards, I think I'm just going to get
a refund and burn MP3's to a CD-RW and record them through my Apex DVD

Shawn Lin

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