The sign said that it came with
>a USB cable that allowed you to digitally record MP3 files to MD. My
>question is what in the world are they referring to, and where can I just
>get the cable sinc eI already have that recorder?

It's really just a USB DAC. It's not a digital transfer.

Even so I wish I know how to get that exact unit they sell with that 
package. It must be cheaper than the ones other companies make, and it would 
*have* to have better sound quality than my terrible soundcard on my PC.

Chad Gombosi
Member SCP
Chad's Game Music Page page:

"Let me explain a couple of things. Time is short. That's the
first thing. For the weasel, Time is a weasel. For the hero,
Time is heroic. For the whore, Time is just another trick.
If you're gentle, your Time is gentle. If you're in a hurry,
Time flies. Time is a servant, if you are its master. Time
is your god, if you are its dog. We are the creators of Time,
the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless.
That's the second thing. You are the clock, Cassiel."

Emit - Far Away So Close

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