Help Friends!

I have been in this list since last year, even though
I must confess, I do not read the digests... I fell
in love with minidiscs and have been busy recording
sound bites for my future *stereo* slide presentations.

A year and a few months ago I got an AIWA AM-F70 and have
been having a blast, recording and playing back MDs... 
but last week it decided to quit on me.  I don't blame it.
After dropping it in water and down hard rocks a couple
of times, I figured I had abused it enough and it was
time to get a new one.  (The problem:  Comes with
"Disc Error")

So I rushed and ordered a Sony MZ-R70.

It came last night... I ripped the box with great
excitement.  I put a disc in and... OH MY GOSH, WHAT IS
THIS TERRIBLE NOISE????!!!!  It sounds like an old clunker 
in desperate need of a repair.

I thought for sure this machine was broken, until I
read on the instruction booklet: "Note on Mechanical
noise: The recorder gives off mechanical noise while
operating, which is cased by the power-saving system
of the recorder and it is not a problem."


Who are you kidding now?  IT IS A BIG PROBLEM. You
cannot operate this thing is public without everyone
and their uncle knowing about it.

EVEN WORSE:  I cannot use my beloved "T" microphone
because it picks up all this terrible noise.  The
instructions write: "The microphone might pick up the
operating sound of the recorder itself."  Yeah... tell
me about it!  "Use the microphone away from the recorder
in such cases."  Easy for you to say Mr. Sony!

Anyway... I am VERY DISAPPOINTED because this is a
"feature" that I do not like.  My AIWA did not have it.
I do not want it.

My questions for you:

- How do other MD players/recorders do in respect
to noise?  Before buying the AIWA (a year and a half
ago) I read all the reviews and do not remember this
even being an issue.

- How should I handle the return of this monster?
The good people in PlanetMinidisc should not be
penalized if Sony cannot make a decent product.
They say "return packaging intact"... but this
came in these ugly plastic jobies that must be
ripped off to be opened.

- What should I get now?  I would like to use my
computer to transfer and store sound bites and then
transfer them from the computer to a MD in a specific
order for a specific slide program.  That's why I
got this Sony... because it case with a digital
thing (PC) that sounded like what I needed.

I realize that some of these issues might have been
discussed here but as I said, I have been too busy
to keep up with the digests, so any help will be 
greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

George Themelis
Cleveland OH USA
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