<P>&gt; <BR>&gt;You're adding an electrical signal to the output because your body 
conducts <BR>&gt;electricity</P>
<P>If that were the case then the MD player would hum every time you touched it 
regardless of what it was hooked up to.</P>
<P>I was thinking that your PC is badly grounded. and that your body 
was&nbsp;partially grounding it *through* your MD player.</P>
<P></P><BR>Chad Gombosi <BR>Member SCP www.scponline.net <BR>Chad's Game Music Page 
www.chadsgamemusic.com <BR>MP3.com page: www.mp3.com/signofzeta <BR><BR>"Let me 
explain a couple of things. Time is short. That's the <BR>first thing. For the weasel, 
Time is a weasel. For the hero, <BR>Time is heroic. For the whore, Time is just 
another trick. <BR>If you're gentle, your Time is gentle. If you're in a hurry, 
<BR>Time flies. Time is a servant, if you are its master. Time <BR>is your god, if you 
are its dog. We are the creators of Time, <BR>the victims of Time, and the killers of 
Time. Time is timeless. <BR>That's the second thing. You are the clock, Cassiel." 
<BR><BR>Emit - Far Away So Close <BR><br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN 
Explorer at <a 
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