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 ___ ____________________________________________________________ ___
|   |                                                            |   |
| o |            Gaz Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | o |
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| o |  _____                                 _____               | o |
|   | |  __ \  ____  _  _____  ____  _____  /  ___| _____  ____  |   |
| o | | |__| )|  __)(_)|  _  \|  __)|  _  \ | |  _ (____ \|__  / | o |
|   | |  ___/ | /   | || | | || |   | |_| | | | \ |/  _  | / _/  |   |
| o | | |     | |   | || | | || |__ | ____/ | |_| || |_| |/ /__  | o |
|   | |_|     |_|   |_||_| |_||____)|_____) \_____/|_____||____| |   |
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| o |  ICQ: 36892193  http://www.princegaz.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk  | o |
|   |                                                            |   |
| o |             "An ye harm none, do what ye will"             | o |

From: "Matt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> all right this also has probably been discussed, but for those of us who use
> outhouse express (aka outlook express) what do we need to put our settings
> at so this group can actually see what we are posting?

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