I just found an interesting issue or observation.

I have a CD that was recorded with emphasis. The disc is classical music,
and I am sure the recording crew deemed it necessary to record this way
to better represent highs and move some of the noise into regions of the
sound spectrum where the noise would be less apparent. This is a Deutche
Gramaphone CD. They are pretty well respected. I am sure they meant it to
be. I recorded CD to DAT (This is how I noticed that the emphasis bit was
in the recording because the emphasis light came on in the display on the
Dat Recorder and also on my sample rate converter. I also tested
different CD players to make sure the CD player was not faulty. I have
seen faults before in CD players where the emphasis circuit is stuck in
the on position. This situation usually ruins the recording. Not so in my
case, and If it was I could remove the emphasis bit anyway.

OK so I record the same CD to MD. I wanted to see if the emphasis bit was
passed along like it was with the CD to DAT set up.
I tested this by hooking up the recorded MD unit to my resampler. If the
emphasis bit was passed along, the emphasis light would come on. Not so.
Also when recording MD to DAT the emphasis light did not show. So my
question is: Does the MD employ the use of proper deemphasis upon
recording. Does the MD unit record a deemphasizes signal or does it
record a preemphasis signal resulting in a slight frequency shift. I
cannot tell the difference in the recordings.

Only one time did I receive a recording that the emphasis circuitry
failed on the recorder from which the recording was made. The highs were
muffled. What had happened is that the signal contained emphasis bits
even though the recording was not recorded with emphasis.  Luckily I was
able to remove the emphasis bit from the recording so that upon playback
the player was not tricked into switching on its deemphasis circuitry.

I am baffled by the results which I obtained with the emphasis recording
placed on MD. Again, does the recorder properly deemphasizes the signal
and record it without, or am I getting a faulty recording?

Anyone up for the challenge of explaining?

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