"Eric Woudenberg, Minidisc.org Editor" wrote:

> Yes, it makes me wonder how much work will be involved to get an MP3
> track downloaded via NetMD. In theory, you should be able to convert a
> .wav file to secure ATRAC, right? (Or will you have to have your own
> real CD to make ATRAC files?). So, since you can make .wav files from
> MP3 files, why not an MP3 to secure ATRAC convertor and downloader,
> all running in software, with no change to the NetMD based recorder?
> Rick

Rick a CD  player will read a .wav file as a CD music virtual file.  You need
software that is designed for making music CDs (I'm sure that every "CD Burner"
comes with a software package that will do this).

But right now the transfer involves PCM.  Since the digital input of a mini disc
recorder only accepts uncompressed or decompressed PCM signals, at the present
time the signal ultimately going into the MD recorder has to be PCM.  I'm not
sure what USB devices that come with recorders like Sony's R700DPC have going
into them from the USB port.

But the present technology must end in a PCM signal or analog (of course we are
talking about digital, so the analog signal is not of concern to us in this

The important thing to remember is that the present consumer technology can not
accept and record an external ATRAC encoded signal.  ATRAC is only established
at the present time inside the recorder buy encoding either PCM or analog to

I haven't had a chance to read the articles you mentioned yet, but if an MD
recorder is capable of recording ATRAC "files" that have been internally
converted, I don't see why it should not be able to accept them from an external

The ATRAC signal would have to enter the chain at the point where the internally
converted ATRAC signal normally does.  This might require voltage and impedance
matching, but it doesn't seem like from the stand point of the recorder it would
be that difficult.

You might need a special input.  Then again, Sony was able to adapt an analog
mini plug so that is could also accept a TOSlink optical signal by converting it
to mini plug size.


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