> And it seems to put a blank trackmark after every song...lasts a
> maybe even shorter.

I have the same problem recording via the Xitel DG2 that came with my
MZ-R700DPC. An almost-zero-length silent track gets stuck in between
almost all of the songs in my Winamp playlist. It happens using either
WinCue or the 'Pause Between Songs' plugin. It's not hard to delete the
blank tracks after recording, but it's annoying and shouldn't be
necessary. I can't offer a solution, but at least you know you're not
alone with the problem. A friend (the only friend with the sense to own
an MD recorder, though it's only a R500 :] ) also has it, and complains
to me about it on a fairly regular basis.

Ah! Good to hear I'm not alone! Weird isn't it? 

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