I think the term cowards is inaccurate. Cowards run from conflict, these
individuals created conflict-they died for whatever strange cause and
mindset they believed in.
I don't think there is any justification for murdering thousands of people,
but it is not something practically every nation on earth hasn't done at one
or another. What makes this even more difficult to comprehend and punish is
that more than likely this was not the act of a nation or country, but
rather demented individuals (demented-not cowardly) with a true agenda of
disrupting America-in this, they succeeded. The monetary cost of this is
felt all over America with closings and disruption of air travel and and on
and on-the damage is in the billions and billions of dollars and affects far
more than the physical targets.
The only way you can gurad against this type of attack is with inside
knowledge-espionage-and indeed, many similar plans have been stopped cold in
that fashion.
What makes it more difficult to punish those responsible is the fact that as
I write this, probably half of them are already dead-killed in their own act
of suicide. Suicide itself is a cowardly act, but dying for what one
believes in is not. Demented-Definitely Cowardly-Definitely Not

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Sympathies

> I have to say that I think that this is worse than perl harbor, perl
harbor was bad because we where not in the war, but it was an attack on a
military base, which by no means makes it ok, but people in the military are
basicly saying its ok to attack them.
> these where civilians going about business, there is no war that we have
any interests in.
> and lasly the cowards have not come forward to claim the act. which puts
them in the smart/stupid catigory
> if its terrorists they're smart because the minute we get a wiff of them
SEAL or DELTA is going to be told to kill
> stupid because w/ out a message the act is just base killing... they did
this for a reason and no one knows why, though personally i don't care.
> just me venting
> marc
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 07:12:50PM +0100, Stuart Howlette wrote:
> >
> > I completely agree, this is one of the most shocking events in the
> > of the entire planet, its almost unbelievable. There was even people
> > on the news that this could be what Pearl Harbour was to the Americans
> > before, or what like Nagasaki was like to the Japanese. I hope whoever
> > responsible will be put to trial in a country that uses execution, as we
> > cannot have these type of people on the planet.
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