> Coba seperti ini
> Conditions01: if X-MDMailing-List|contains|AND|
> mem...@zhonghai.net
> Condition02: If subject header contains|AND|[ZPC]
> ThisRuleCondition=All (AND)
> Actions01 = skip next rule
> Catatan :
> lebih baik sih conditions02 pakai regular expression seperti dibawah
> ini
> Condition02: If subject header contains|AND|^\[ZPC]
> cuma saya belum test apakah rule itu akan support regex, tp ya coba
> saja
> mestinya sih support.
> Conditions01: if X-MDMailing-List|contains|AND|
> mem...@zhonghai.net
> Action01 : Search and Replace within header
> In the subject header
> Expression : . (dot, any character)
> Replace with : [ZPC] \0

Sip & terimakasih banyak Pak syafril, langsung tokcer tanpa double lagi

Iwan S

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arising from any virus being transmitted by this email. Internet communications 
are not secure and PT Zhonghai and her principals do not accept legal 
responsibility for the contents of this message.[~zis~]

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