> >>  > Did you know that the Solaris Modular Debugger Guide is open source?
 > >>  > Download the latest XML source files and HTML here:
 > >>  > http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/downloads/current/
 > >>  >
 > >>  > MODDEBUG directory contains the guide.
 > >>
 > >> Can external developers contribute changes?
 > > Yes, absolutely! There is a README that provides basic information about 
 > > how to contribute in the current 'over the wall tarball model'. To 
 > > answer Jim's follow-up question, if there is enough interest in 
 > > contributing (even just two keen ppl), I think we should propose a 
 > > project for the files and host them in a repository. This is where I was 
 > > going with the original message...Haufeng also responded offline to my 
 > > post, so maybe we have enough interest? Let me know what you all think.
 > I'm going to put the MDB guide onto wikis.sun.com in the
 > next few days. I'll post a note to the list when it's done.

Now I'm confused -- do we end up with a fork once it's wikified?  If so,
how will this be managed?  If not, please elaborate.


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