> >  
> I will work hard to fix it, Mike. I'll also trade you time to 
> investigate for a willingness on your part to instead encourage *new* 
> MDB and DTrace content on a .org wiki that we link to from the formal 
> XML guides. (best practices, howtos, FAQs, podcasts, screencasts, 
> tutorials, scripts, one liners, tips and tricks). I know I drive a hard 
> bargain, but we could support partners and our 7M users and transition 
> them to the wiki in this way. With genunix and the HTML pages on 
> opensolaris, we are able to empower content creators a great deal, and 
> Google finds both sites. Just need time and helping hands to plan and 
> implement open source wiki software that enables what you describe above 
> on a .org site.
> Thanks,
> Michelle

I'm certainly willing to put stuff in a wiki.  I just want one wiki, not five.
And I want the frozen copy of the documentation to come from that wiki.
If you have a wiki which can be made to contain a current copy of the
doc content, and I can edit it, and add new stuff too it along the
lines of additional content above, then I will do that.  What I don't
want is a wiki that is just some other mdb info, entirely
divergent from the documentation content.  They need to be one thing.
If you have something you propose as the one new thing, put all of
the existing content into it, tell me the URL, and I will go
beta-test and so will everyone else and we'll let you know what we think.


Mike Shapiro, Solaris Kernel Development. blogs.sun.com/mws/

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