On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 06:49:29PM -0800, David Lindt wrote:
> I would be interested in looking at how we can leverage content from the 
> DTrace Guide on wikis.sun.com for updating the DTrace Guide on docs.sun.com. 
> We would be glad to update the SolBook version of the DTrace Guide, so 
> getting information for the update would be very much appreciated. 
> If you resolve a DTrace Guide doc bug on wikis.sun.com, would you mark the 
> bug as resolved, or would we need to include the fix in the SolBook version 
> of the DTrace Guide on docs.sun.com to consider the bug resolved?
> For now, until round-trip issues from Wiki to SolBook are resolved, the 
> version on wikis.sun.com will diverge from the book on docs.sun.com. How much 
> do we want to keep the two versions in synch? 
> Lot of good points raised in this thread that could take some time to work 
> through. What we can do right now is take the information used in the wiki 
> version or from your comments to us and update the SolBook version of the 
> DTrace Guide.
> Please let me know how we can help.

In the model I would like us to move to, the SolBook should be automatically
generated from the wiki content, i.e. by a shell script, not a human.
And this synchronization process could occur nightly or weekly or
at whatever interval is appropriate.  Therefore, yes, I would mark bugs
as resolved when they put into the wiki because at that point there is
nothing left for any humans to do to implement the fix.


Mike Shapiro, Solaris Kernel Development. blogs.sun.com/mws/

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