bismi-lLah wa-lhamdu li-lLah wa-shshalatu wa-ssalamu 'ala rasuli-lLah
wa 'ala alihi wa ashhabihi wa ma-wwalah, amma ba'd, assalamu 'alaikum.

ini nech dah luamaa beredar sejak 2003, ternyata booong!

disini nech bisa dilihat aslinya:

HIV Needle Hoax
Emails falsely claim that HIV infected needles are being deliberately
placed where they can cause injury to unsuspecting members of the


Example:(Received vie email, 2003)
Subject: Read This - Red Cross Blood Service - could save a life From:
Red Cross Blood Service

A few weeks ago in a movie theatre in Melbourne a person sat on
something that was poking out of one of the seats. When she got up to
see what it was she found a needle sticking out of the seat with a
note attached saying "You have just been infected by HIV".

The Disease Control Centre in Melbourne reports many similar incidents
have occurred in many other Australian cities recently. All tested
needles are HIV Positive.

The Centre also reports that needles have been found in the cash
dispensers in ATMs. We ask everyone to use extreme caution when faced
with this kind of situation. All public chairs / seats should be
inspected with vigilance and caution before use.

Seventeen people have tested positive in the Western suburbs alone in
the last 2 months!!! A careful visual inspection should be enough. In
addition they ask that each of you pass this message along to all
members of your family and your friends of the potential danger. We
all have to be careful at public places! This is very important.

Just think about saving a life of someone even you don't know by
forwarding this message. Please, take a few seconds of your time to
pass it along.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Ph: [REMOVED] Fax: [REMOVED] e-mail: [REMOVED]

This is by no means a new hoax, but one that regularly resurfaces. The
example above is an Australian version and involves HIV needles on
theater seats. Around October 2003, another version of the hoax was
finding its way into Canadian inboxes. This version claims that
hypodermic needles have been attached to gas pump handles and that
people have tested HIV positive as a result of being pricked by the
needles. The Canadian version is very similar to the original US
version,reproduced below, which began hitting inboxes in 2000.

An even earlier version of the hoax claimed that drug users were
disposing of needles in the coin slots of payphones, thereby infecting
innocent phone users.

Occasionally, syringes are found in places where they could cause
injury to unsuspecting members of the public, including a case where
an insulin needle was left in a pay phone coin return. However, there
is no evidence that the callous and deliberate terror campaign
outlined in these hoax emails has ever occurred.

The Center for Disease Control has information about these hoaxes on
its website.

Original US Version:
My name is Captain Abraham Sands of the Jacksonville, Florida Police
Department. I have been asked by state and local authorities to write
this email in order to get the word out to car drivers of a very
dangerous prank that is occurring in numerous states.

Some person or persons have been affixing hypodermic needles to the
underside of gas pump handles. These needles appear to be infected
with HIV positive blood. In the Jacksonville area alone there have
been 17 cases of people being stuck by these needles over the past
five months. We have verified reports of at least 12 others in various
states around the country.

It is believed that these may be copycat incidents due to someone
reading about the crimes or seeing them reported on the television. At
this point no one has been arrested and catching the perpetrator(s)
has become our top priority.

Shockingly, of the 17 people who where stuck, eight have tested HIV
positive and because of the nature of the disease, the others could
test positive in a couple years.

Evidently the consumers go to fill their car with gas, and when
picking up the pump handle get stuck with the infected needle. IT IS
IMPERATIVE TO CAREFULLY CHECK THE HANDLE of the gas pump each time you

If you do find a needle affixed to one, immediately contact your local
police department so they can collect the evidence.


On 9/14/05, Kadarisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Kawan kawan sekalian,
>  Mohon luangkan sedikit waktu anda terhadap mail ini , jika perlu untuk
> nasihat kepada yang lain .... mohon forward ke kawan2 lain karena hal ini
> terjadi di PARIS baru baru ini dan kemungkinan terjadi di manapun di Dunia
> ini.
>  Beberapa minggu yang lalu , dalam sebuah teater Film, seseorang merasa ada
> yang menusuk di bagian bawah tempat duduknya, ketika dia berdiri dari tempat
> duduk nya , dia menemukan sebuah jarum melekat pada tempat duduk nya denga
> adanya catatan yang bertuliskan " kamu baru saja ter-infeksi HIV"
>  Kantor Pusat pengawasanآ  penyakit (di PARIS) melaporkan banyaknya
> peristiwa serupa di beberapa kota akhir akhir ini, semua jarum yang menjadi
> media di kejadian tsb , telah di test dan dinyatakan ada VIRUS HIV POSITIF.
>  Kantor tsb juga melaporkan bahwa jarum ter-infeksi HIV serupa juga
> ditemukan di kotak pengambi uang di MESIN ATM bank, di sarankan pula pada
> para pengguna mesin ATM untuk "SANGAT WASPADA" ketika menghadapi situasi
> seperti ini.
>  Semua BANGKU / TEMPAT DUDUK umum harus di PERIKSA dengan TELITI sebelum di
> gunakan. PEMERIKSAAN secara VISUAL dengan penuh ke-TELITIAN & KEHATI-HATIAN
> sangat perlu di butuhkan dengan kecukupannya,آ  mohon forward kepada anggota
> keluarga anda serta kepada semua rekan akan potensi bahaya hal ini.
>  Baru-baru ini, seorang Dokter menyatakan sebagaimana kejadian serupa
> menimpa salah satu pasiennya yang terkena hal ini di Bioskop PRIYA Cinema,
> New Delhi, India.
>  Seorang gadis muda yang berencana akan menikah beberapa bulan lagi ,
> terkena tusukan duri saat Film berlangsung, ada sebuah catatan yang berbunyi
> "Selamat Datang di Dunia Keluarga penderita HIV" . Dijelaskan pula oleh sang
> Dokter kepada keluarga gadis tersebut bahwa memerlukan آ± 6 bulan untuk
> VIRUS tersebar di tubuh gadis itu menjadi cukup kuat untuk mulai merusak
> jaringan sistem kekebalan tubuh korban dan sang korban cukup bisa bertahan
> selama 5~6 tahun , tetapi si Gadis korban tsb, meninggal di 4 bulan setelah
> tertusuk jarum tersebut mungkin karena "SHOCK BERAT". Mulai saat ini KITA
> HARUS lebih berhati-hati dan WASPADA di tempat umum.
>  Mulailah berfikir untuk menyelamatkan sebuah JIWA dengan men-Forward pesan
> ini, mohon luangkan sedikit waktu anda untuk ini.
>  S. Dinesh Gopinath,
>  I.A.S, Director of Medical & Research Div, Chennai.
>  Dear Friends, 
>  Kindly take a couple of minutes to go thru this mail. If useful may advise
> others also .... Please pass this on to others This happened in Paris
> recently and may happen elsewhere also. 
>  A few weeks ago, in a movie theatre, a person felt something poking from
> her seat. When she got up to see what it was, she found a needle sticking
> out of the seat with a note attached saying "You have just been infected by
> HIV". 
>  The Disease Control Center (in Paris) reports many similar events in many
> other cities recently. All tested needles were HIV Positive.
>  The Center also reports that needles have been found in cash dispensers at
> public banking machines. We ask everyone to use extreme caution when faced
> with this kind of situation. All public chairs/seats should be inspected
> with vigilance and caution before use. A careful visual inspection should be
> enough. In addition, they ask that each of you pass this message along to
> all members of your family and your friends of the potential danger. 
>  Recently, one doctor has narrated a somewhat similar instance that happened
> to one of his patients at the Priya Cinema in Delhi. A young girl, engaged
> and about to be married in a couple of months, was pricked while the movie
> was going on. The tag with the needle had the message " Welcome to the World
> of HIV family". Though the doctors told her family that it takes about 6
> months before the virus grows strong 
>  enough to start damaging the system and a healthy victim could survive
> about 5-6 years, the girl died in 4 months, perhaps more because of the
> "Shock thought". We all have to be careful at public places, rest God help! 
>  Just think about saving a life by forwarding this message. Please, take a
> few seconds of your time to pass along.
>  With Regards,
>  S. Dinesh Gopinath,
>  I.A.S, Director of Medical & Research Div, Chennai.
>  Rather than forwarding irrelevant mails, kindly pass this to every one.
> Probably ur mail can help some save his/her life. 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  The information in this electronic mail message is private and 
>  confidential, and only intended for the addressee. Should you 
>  receive this message by mistake, you are hereby notified that 
>  any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or use of this 
>  message is strictly prohibited. Please inform the sender by 
>  reply transmission and delete the message without copying or 
>  opening it. 
>  Messages and attachments are scanned for all viruses known. 
>  If this message contains password-protected attachments, the 
>  files have NOT been scanned for viruses by the Senayan Square 
>  mail domain. Always scan attachments before opening them. 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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