In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Osama Has Won - Hatred of the US is Now Universal

Israel is supported root and branch by the President and Congress of United 
States of America. They unconditionally endorse the actions, no matter how 
barbaric or bizarre, of a racist, nuclear-armed country that willfully 
ignores UN resolutions and assassinates people as a matter of national policy.


The Profits of War

Why capitalists aren’t eager to stop the Middle East wars?: Radio interview 
with Prof: Jonathan Nitzan


UN resolution on Lebanon: blueprint for intensified war and colonial occupation

The US-French resolution that is to be voted on by the United Nations 
Security Council early this week represents an imperialist diktat to the 
people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington to legitimize and consummate 
the geo-strategic goals pursued in the last month of US-Israeli war of 

It is deliberately written in such a provocative manner as to ensure its 
rejection not only by Hezbollah, but by the Lebanese government itself. Not 
a single Lebanese grievance is addressed. What it demands, essentially, is 
that Hezbollah enter a suicide pact with its enemies and that Lebanon 
accepts its transformation into a semi-colony.


This draft shows who is running America's policy... Israel

You could almost hear the Lebanese groan at this draft resolution, a 
document of such bias and mendacity that a close Lebanese friend read 
carefully through it yesterday, cursed and uttered the immortal question: 
"Don't these bastards learn anything from history?"


The draft UN resolution

This is the draft concluded between the US, France and Britain on resolving 
the Lebanon crisis which has yet to be agreed by the Security Council


UN Resolution

The top adviser to the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, talked through 
the resolution with the US and French teams, while the Israeli Foreign 
Ministry had its man alongside John Bolton at the UN building in New York.


Civilian Killings Went Unpunished

Declassified papers show U.S. atrocities went far beyond My Lai.

The files are part of a once-secret archive, assembled by a Pentagon task 
force in the early 1970s, that shows that confirmed atrocities by U.S. 
forces in Vietnam were more extensive than was previously known.


Another horrific zionist massacre in Lebanon- more than 40 dead amid 
widespread destruction

Siniora on IAF strike: At least 40 dead in 'horrific massacre'

An Israeli air strike on the southern Lebanese border village of Houla 
killed more than 40 people on Monday, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said.


US evangelist leads the millions seeking a battle with Islam

Anyone who wants to understand why Israel has such unwavering support from 
the United States should speak to one man.


Israeli Intellectuals Love the War



Angry hornets: Zionists plan total destruction of Lebanon

Israel to hit wider range of Lebanon targets-report

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli army plans to attack strategic 
infrastructure targets and symbols of the Lebanese government after 
Hizbollah rockets killed 15 people in northern Israel, an Israeli newspaper 
reported Monday.


Hizbollah is justified in attacking Israel - Galloway: 'The Violence Will 
Go On'

George Galloway has spoken out in support of Lebanon, saying he believes 
Hizbollah is justified in attacking Israel. The Respect MP also lambasted 
media coverage of the war and said the UN resolution means nothing.

Watch online at:,,31200-galloway_060806,00.html#


George Galloway - Hizbollah Is Not A Terrorist Organization

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

George Galloway has spoken out in support of Lebanon, saying he believes 
Hizbollah is justified in defending Lebanon against Israeli attacks . The 
Respect MP also lambasted media coverage of the war and said the UN 
resolution means nothing. Video.


Dahr Jamail: Hezbollah Rides a New Popularity

As the war in Lebanon approaches the one-month mark, and amid the 
destruction of much of Lebanon, Hezbollah appears to be gaining strength 
within the country and around the Arab world.


Noam Chomsky on Israel, Lebanon and Palestine

Do you agree with the argument that Israel's military offensive in Lebanon 
is "legally and morally justified?" - Noam Chomsky: The invasion itself is 
a serious breach of international law, and major war crimes are being 
committed as it proceeds. There is no legal justification.


Junkies of War

Every day on their TV screens tens of millions of Arabs and hundred of 
millions of Muslims see the atrocious pictures of crushed babies, the 
sights of the horrible destruction. These are deeply imprinted in the 
consciousness of the masses and will leave behind them an accumulation of 
anger and hatred that is far more dangerous than an arsenal of missiles.


Why The Middle East Conflict Continues To Exist

Israel is not the number one enemy of the Arabs: While Israel may be 
perceived as a threat to the Arab world, the actual threat comes from the 
foreigners who for decades have been corrupting Arab leaders and exploiting 
their nations’ natural resources.


Israeli contribution to conflict is forgotten by leading papers

In the wake of the most serious outbreak of Israeli/Arab violence in years, 
three leading U.S. papers­the Washington Post, New York Times and Los 
Angeles Times­have each strongly editorialized that Hamas in Gaza and 
Hezbollah in Lebanon were solely responsible for sparking violence, and 
that the Israeli military response was predictable and unavoidable.


Poisoned package sent to Haniyeh

At least four Palestinian clerks working in the Palestinian Prime 
Minister's Office in Ramallah, lost consciousness Monday after opening a 
package thought to contain a poisonous substance.,7340,L-3287645,00.html


The loser in Lebanon: The Atlantic alliance

"It's a real row that started with Bolton's statement that you couldn't 
compare the deaths of Lebanese to the deaths of Israelis," the official 
said. "He implied that because Lebanon harbored Hezbollah, Lebanese lives 
were forfeit. It was a stupid thing to say. It tore the scab off the wound."


Lebanon government in bid to have Blair tried for war crimes

THE Lebanese government is working behind the scenes to bring Tony Blair 
before the Scottish courts, charged with war crimes for aiding and abetting 
the Israeli onslaught against Lebanon.


"Triple Alliance": The US, Turkey, Israel and the War on Lebanon

Turkey, through its military alliance with Israel and the US, is a de facto 
partner in the "terrible global war" alluded to by Prime Minister Erdogan.


India Bans Arab TV Channels Under Pressure From Israel

  It seems the ban is a move to ensure that Indians do not get to see the 
atrocities that are presently being committed by Israel in Lebanon and the 
occupied territories.


Chavez accuses Israel of 'new Holocaust'

Chavez's comments in his weekly radio and TV broadcast came three days 
after he said he was recalling Venezuela's top diplomat to Israel to 
express his government's indignation over Israeli attacks in Lebanon and 
its actions toward Palestinians.


Lebanon says Israeli assault killed 925, 75 missing

Israel's 27-day-old attack against Lebanon has killed 925 people and left 
75 missing and presumed dead, Lebanese Health Minister Mohammad Khalifeh 
told Reuters on Monday.


At least 28 civilians killed in Israeli attacks

Israeli commandos landed on a southern hilltop near Lebanon’s Mediterranean 
coast today, fighting Hezbollah in close combat in a bid to destroy its 
rocket launchers, as warplanes launched fresh airstrikes across the 
country, killing at least 28 people.


Israeli strikes kill 14 Lebanese

Israeli air strikes killed 14 civilians in Lebanon and Hizbollah battled 
Israeli ground troops on Monday as the U.N. Security Council failed to 
agree on a draft resolution seeking to end 27 days of fighting.


Israeli soldier killed in fierce clashes in south Lebanon

An Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed and four others were wounded in 
fierce fighting with Hezbollah fighters Monday morning in the south 
Lebanese village of Bint Jbail.


2 more Israeli troops killed in Bint Jbeil

It was cleared for publication Monday evening that two more IDF soldiers 
were killed in battles with Hizbullah gunmen in the south Lebanese town of 
Bint Jbeil.,7340,L-3287899,00.html


9/11 conspiracy theorists energized

Five years later, purveyors claim academic momentum

(AP) -- Kevin Barrett believes the U.S. government might have destroyed the 
World Trade Center. Steven Jones is researching what he calls evidence that 
the twin towers were brought down by explosives detonated inside them, not 
by hijacked airliners.


9/ 11 Conspiracy Theorists Thriving

Kevin Barrett believes the U.S government might have destroyed the World 
Trade Center. Steven Jones is researching what he calls evidence that the 
twin towers were brought down by explosives detonated inside them, not by 
hijacked airliners.

These men aren't uneducated junk scientists: Barrett will teach a class on 
Islam at the University of Wisconsin this fall, over the protests of more 
than 60 state legislators. Jones is a tenured physicist at Brigham Young 
University whose mainstream academic job has made him a hero to conspiracy 


9/11 :  Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the 
Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ...

  Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 9/11 hijackers 
and knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA? 
Neil Mackay investigates

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New 
Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and 
crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever 
committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.



Fox News revelations point to an ominous conclusion

When is American foreign policy going to start putting America first? The 
US had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by vetoing a UN resolution 
condemning violence on all sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The 
resolution condemned terrorism, no matter what the source, called for the 
creation of a "monitoring mechanism" to prevent violence, denounced 
executions without trial, and said the destruction of property must cease. 
You gotta problem with that?


9/11 :  Pressured to Name Names

A Moroccan says the U.S. gave him a stark choice: Inform on fellow Muslims 
or be deported as a likely terrorist. It's a routine tactic, some say.,0,2407438.story?coll=ktla-news-1



None of us want to hear that our own government conspired and murdered 
Americans to justify the War on Terrorism and the invasions of Afghanistan 
and Iraq. Such information shatters our worldview and all that we learned 
as children. I know I certainly did not. But the truth is the truth and it 
cannot be hidden any longer.


9/11 :  Twin Towers wreckage turning up all over the place

And you thought all the 9/11 WTC wreckage was swept up in eight months and 
sent to be smelted in foreign countries or secret places in our own strange 
land, right? And that the rest of the rubble was buried in Fresh Kills 
(appropriate name), Staten Island. So did I. But now it turns out last 
remains of the Towers are being stored in an 80,000-square-foot hangar at 
JFK International Airport in New York. Ain’t that a kick in the head?


Another Battle of Baghdad Cover Up - It's Time for Truth


U.S. Soldiers - Allegedly Rape Iraqi 14 Year old

  The medic said that when he entered the house, he found the 14-year-old 
girl naked with her legs spread and burned from the waist up, with a single 
bullet wound beneath her left eye. He also told the hearings he had found 
her six-year-old sister in an adjacent room with the back of her head blown 
out, and the bodies of both parents riddled with bullets.


Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi child

A US military hearing has examined testimony of how three soldiers took it 
in turns to try to rape an Iraqi girl aged 14 in Mahmudiya in March.


US soldier described rape and murders, Iraq hearing told

Griesmyer said Cortez confirmed that he held the girl down as Barker raped 
her. The weeping child pleaded to be set free, but Barker told her to "shut 


Iraqi Doctor Tells US Military Hearing About Chilling Scene of Rape-Murder


Thousands of troops say they won’t fight

Since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the military have 
deserted, the Pentagon says. More than half served in the Army


Half of US still believes Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction

A drumbeat of voices from talk radio to die-hard bloggers to the Oval 
Office, a surprise headline here or there, a rallying around a partisan 
flag, and a growing need for people, in their own minds, to justify the war 
in Iraq.


At least 34 killed as U.S. occupation continues

At least six soldiers were killed and 15 wounded when gunmen opened fire at 
dawn on an Iraqi army checkpoint near the small town of Balad Ruz, 50 km 
(30 miles) southeast of Baqub


Video Snipe a marine by Iraqi Resistance


9 Iraqi soldiers killed in truck bombing

A suicide truck bomber drove into the provincial headquarters of a commando 
force north of Baghdad on Monday, killing at least nine soldiers and 
wounding 10 civilians, police said.


US bombs kills three in Baghdad-Eyewitnesses

US jet fighters bombed civilian targets in the Sadr suburb, a Shiite 
stronghold in east Baghdad, killing three civilians and injuring 12, 
witnesses said Monday.


US planes bombed Baghdad civilian houses: Shia group

He said a two-hour operation by joint US and Iraqi forces left a number of 
civilians, mostly women and children, killed or injured.


As war worsens, White House alters message

On Thursday, the administration faced a blunt warning about the possibility 
of a civil war in Iraq from one of its military leaders


3 US Soldiers Killed in Iraq Bombing


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 6 August 2006.

    * Resistance attacks in al-Hadithah leave three American troops 
reported killed.
    * Resistance blasts British headquarters in al-Basrah with Katyusha 
    * Resistance car bomber blasts US encampment in al-Fallujah Sunday 
    *  Bodies of five puppet army soldiers found in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troop” patrol in western Baghdad.
    * Resistance bombards pro-American Badr Brigades in at-Taji with heavy 
    * Resistance fighters ambush supply convoy near ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts memorial service for collaborator 
    * Iraq Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in Tikrit.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US convoy on its way to al-Bakr Air Base north 
of Baghdad.
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in al-Mawsil wounding four 
    * Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of puppet “Iraqi National 
Guards” in the northeastern Iraqi town of ar-Rabi‘ah


Taliban kills 10th British soldier

Pte Cutts, of the 13 Air Assault Support Regiment, was killed in Northern 
Helmand province yesterday afternoon.


CIA contractor going on trial in fatal beating of Afghan

The government has said its case includes three paratroopers from the 
Army's 82nd Airborne Division who will testify they saw Passaro beat Wali 
with his hands, his feet and a flashlight in June 2003


Democrats who oppose illegal wars and torture want to reclaim the party

A grassroots revolt by voters has sparked a struggle for the party's soul, 
and a New England senator is in the firing line,,1838736,00.html


Classified intelligence bills often are unread

Nearly all members of the House of Representatives opted out of a chance to 
read this year's classified intelligence bill, and then voted on secret 
provisions they knew almost nothing about.


-muslim voice-

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