In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bush Seeks Retroactive Laws to Protect Himself from War Crimes Prosecution

By Paul Craig Roberts

08/29/06 "<>Information Clearing 
House" -- -- When I was a kid, John Wayne war movies gave us the message 
that America was the good guy, the white hat that fought the villain.

Alas, today the US and its last remaining non-coerced ally, Israel, are 
almost universally regarded as the bad guys over whom John Wayne would 
triumph. Today the US and Israel are seen throughout the world as war 
criminal states.

On August 23 the <>BBC 
reported that Amnesty International has brought war crimes charges against 
Israel for deliberately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure as 
an "integral part" of Israel's strategy in its recent invasion of Lebanon.

Israel claims that its aggression was "self-defense" to dislodge Hezbollah 
from southern Lebanon<>. Yet, 
Israel bombed residential communities all over Lebanon, even Christian 
communities in the north in which no Hezbollah could possibly have been 

United Nations spokesman Jean Fabre reported that Israel's attack on 
civilian infrastructure annihilated Lebanon's development: 
years of work have been wiped out in a month."

Israel maintains that this massive destruction was unintended "collateral 

President Bush maintains that Israel has 
right to protect itself" by destroying Lebanon.

Bush blocked the attempt to stop Israel's aggression and is, thereby, 
equally responsible for the war crimes. Indeed, a number of reports claim 
that Bush instigated the Israeli aggression against Lebanon.

Bush has other war crime problems. Benjamin Ferenccz, a 
<>recently said of Nazi war crimes at 
<>recently said 
that President Bush should be tried as a war criminal side by side with 
Saddam Hussein for starting aggressive wars, Hussein for his 1990 invasion 
of Kuwait and Bush for his 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Under the Nuremberg standard, Bush is definitely a war criminal. The US 
Supreme Court also exposed Bush to war crime charges under both the US War 
Crimes Act of 1996 and the Geneva Conventions when the Court ruled in 
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld [ 
against the Bush administration's military tribunals and inhumane treatment 
of detainees.

President Bush and his Attorney General agree that under existing laws and 
treaties Bush is a war criminal together with many members of his 
government<>. To make his war 
crimes legal after the fact, Bush has instructed the Justice (sic) 
Department to <>draft 
changes to the War Crimes Act and to US treaty obligations under the Geneva 

One of Bush's changes would deny protection of the Geneva Conventions to 
anyone in any American court.

Bush's other change would protect from prosecution any US government 
official or military personnel guilty of violating Article 3 of the Geneva 
Conventions. Article 3 prohibits "at any time and in any place whatsoever 
outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading 
treatment." As civil libertarian 
Hentoff observes, this change would also undo Senator John McCain's 
amendment against torture.

Eugene Fidell, president of the National Institute of Military Justice says 
that Bush's changes 
past crimes."

Under the US Constitution and US legal tradition, retroactive law is 
impermissible. What do Americans think of their President's attempts to 
immunize himself, his government, CIA operatives, military personnel and 
civilian contractors from war crimes?

Apparently, the self-righteous morally superior American "Christian" public 
could care less. The Republican-controlled House and Senate, which long ago 
traded integrity for power, are working to pass Bush's changes prior to the 
mid-term elections in the event the Republicans fail to steal three 
elections in a row and Democrats win control of the House or Senate.

Meanwhile, the illegal war in Iraq, based entirely on Bush administration 
lies, grinds on, murdering and maiming ever more people. According to the 
latest administration estimate, the pointless killing will go on for 
another 10-15 years.

Trouble is, there are no US troops to carry on the war. The lack of cannon 
fodder forces the Bush administration to resort to ever more desperate 
measures. The latest is the involuntary recall of thousands of Marines from 
the inactive reserves to active duty. Many attentive people regard this 
desperate measure as a sign that the 
<>military draft will be 

According to President Bush, the US will lose the "war on terror" unless 
the US succeeds in defeating "the Iraqi terrorists" by establishing 
"democracy in Iraq." Of course, insurgents resisting occupation are not 
terrorists, and there were no insurgents or terrorists in Iraq until Bush 

Bush's unjustified invasion of Iraq and his support for Israeli aggression 
have done more to create terrorism in the Muslim world than Osama bin Laden 
could hope for. The longer Bush occupies Iraq and the more he tries to 
extend US/Israeli hegemony in the Middle East, the more terrorism the world 
will suffer.

Bush and the 
ideology that holds him captive are the greatest 21st century threats to 
peace and stability. The neoconized Bush regime invented the war on terror, 
lost it, and now is bringing terror home to the American people.

Paul Craig Roberts, was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan 
Administration. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's 
Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy 
and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence 
M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and 
Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click 
<>here for Peter Brimelow's 
Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of 
prosecutorial misconduct.



-muslim voice-

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