
         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? More Than

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged)
In Bush's War  2863

The War in Iraq Costs $342,801,812,323 - See the cost in your community


CNN host to first-ever Muslim congressman: "Prove to me that you're not
working with our enemies."

"I have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel
like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our
enemies.' " Beck added: "I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but
that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that


War Crime : An idea whose time had come

Special prosecutors ought to track down everyone, up to and including
Bush, who lied about WMDs in Iraq, chose not to pursue Osama in Pakistan
after 9/11, deliberately withheld help that could have saved lives
during the Hurricane Katrina, and signed off on warrantless wiretapping
of American citizens. Law and order starts at the top.


9/11 : Missing presumed tortured

More than 7,000 prisoners have been captured in America's war on terror.
Just 700 ended up in Guantanamo Bay. Between extraordinary rendition to
foreign jails and disappearance into the CIA's "black sites", what
happened to the rest?


9/11 : Ex-prisoner tells of torture at Guantanamo 

A GERMAN, who was held for four years in the US detention camp at
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, has alleged systematic torture in the hands of
the US military, from beatings to being chained to a ceiling for days.,20867,20757477-23109,00.html


9/11 : Gitmo Captives Say Medical Personnel Approved, Participated in

Does 'Primum Non Nocere' ring a bell?


9/11 : War Crimes Complaint Against Rumsfeld, et al. The evidence file 

The November 14, 2006, criminal complaint is a request for the German
Federal Prosecutor to open an investigation and, ultimately, a criminal
prosecution that will look into the responsibility of high-ranking U.S.
officials for authorizing war crimes in the context of the so-called
“War on Terror.”


9/11 : Charge Rumsfeld with War Crimes 

If Rumsfeld is going to be held accountable for authorizing torture and
other human rights abuses, we need your help.


In case you missed it: Rumsfeld OK'd Dog Scares, Strips 

Newly-released documents on U.S. policy of torturing prisoners show that
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld authorized guards to strip
detainees and threaten them with dogs.


9/11 : What Rumsfeld Knew

Interviews with high-ranking military officials shed new light on the
role Rumsfeld played in the harsh treatment of a Guantánamo detainee.


Welcome to Hell...

Death squads, killings , kidnapping, abductions , fleeing ,exodus ,
desertions,torture, disappearances,funerals ...

There is nothing but Death , Destruction and Grief around me . Welcome
to Iraq, Welcome to Hell .


Depleted Uranium, Another Gift  From The Imperialists

Depleted uranium (DU) is cheap toxic waste from nuclear power plants and
bomb production. However, uranium is one of earth's heaviest elements
and DU easily smashes through tanks, buildings and bunkers spontaneously
catching fire and burning people alive. The radioactivity lasts over
4,500,000,000 years and causes cancer, leukemia, brain damage, kidney
failure, and extreme birth defects.


Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq?

At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video
camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an
Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video
all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that
the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera.
But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the
camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle.
Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely
sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. I mean,
it's not exactly an easily obtainable Saturday night special! Something
this sophisticated points to Mossad.


US plans last big push in Iraq

Strategy document calls for extra 20,000 troops, aid for Iraqi army and
regional summit 

President George Bush has told senior advisers that the US and its
allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq and that
instead of beginning a troop withdrawal next year, he may increase US
forces by up to 20,000 soldiers, according to sources familiar with the
administration's internal deliberations.


US soldier admits killing family after raping girl

An American soldier yesterday pleaded guilty to the rape and murder of a
14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of three members of her family in
a village near Baghdad in March in one of the most brutal examples of
attacks on civilians in Iraq.,,1948755,00.html


Violence in Iraq at almost satanic levels, says CIA director 

In the United States, the top spy says violence in Iraq has reached
almost satanic levels, and he fears the Iraqi Government is not capable
of bringing it under control.


Iraq gov't in crisis after staff abducted, tortured  

Kidnappers tortured many of the dozens of hostages seized in a daylight
raid on a government building and killed some of them, a minister said
as he warned that he felt Iraq no longer had an effective government.


Baghdad Shi'ite militant says fighting for all Iraqis 

"Sunnis are as much my brothers as Shi'ites. My only enemies are the
occupiers," he said during the encounter in Sadr City, the sprawling
Baghdad slum where U.S. and Iraqi forces have been hunting him as,
effectively, Public Enemy No. 1 for months.


As Many as 60 More Killed / Kidnapped

As many as 60 or more passengers of six hijacked microbuses were killed
by militants Thursday in occupied Baghdad, eyewitnesses told the
official TV channel al-Iraqiya, in the latest horrific incident of
sectarian violence in conflict-torn Iraq


More than 33 killed as U.S. occupation grinds on 

U.S. forces killed nine "insurgents" and detained nine others during a
raid just south of Yusufiya, 15 km (9 miles) south of Baghdad, the U.S.
military said.


Four U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq  

Four more U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq, the U.S. military said
on Thursday, bringing to at least 10 the number killed over the past two
days in gun battles and roadside bomb blasts around the country.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 15 November 2006.

      * US forces begin evacuation of base at al-Anbar University in ar-
        Ramadi following weeks of relentless Resistance barrages. 
      * US occupation forces arrest Director of Public Health in al-
        Anbar Province on charges of supporting the Iraqi Resistance. 
      * Death toll in American massacre in ar-Ramadi rises to 37, as
        victims die of wounds in hospital. 
      * Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier in al-Hadithah
      *  Resistance fighters rocket American armored vehicle in ar-
        Ramadi Wednesday morning. 
      *  Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in al-Fallujah Wednesday
      * US Marines carry out mass raids and searches in al-Fallujah
      *  Resistance strikes US base in al-Habbaniyah with mortars
        Tuesday afternoon. 
      *  Resistance fighters kill pro-American Badr Brigade commander in
      * US forces carry out mass searches and arrests in south Baghdad
        suburb of ad-Durah. 
      *  Puppet policeman shot to death in Samarra' at dawn Wednesday. 
      *  Resistance men ambush cars carrying puppet “Shock Troops” and
        pro-Iranian Shi'i sectarian militia. 
      * US troops, puppet police launch campaign of mass raids south of
        Kirkuk on Wednesday. 
      *  Resistance bomb damages puppet police car in Kirkuk Wednesday
      *  Resistance fighters shoot officer in puppet police in Kirkuk
        Wednesday morning. 
      *  Iraqi woman journalist killed in al-Mawsil Wednesday morning. 
      *  Puppet policeman killed trying to move booby-trapped corpse in
        al-Mawsil Tuesday.


Afghan Civilians Shot Dead By British Troops  

Two Afghan civilians were killed and a child injured on Thursday after
their van was shot at by the British troops.


Afghan violence 'likely to rise'  

A top American defence official has warned that the level of violence in
Afghanistan will go on rising.


CIA: Taliban, al Qaeda resurge in Afghanistan  

Al Qaeda's influence and numbers are rapidly growing in Afghanistan,
with fighters operating from new havens and mimicking techniques learned
on the Iraqi battlefield for use against U.S. and allied troops, U.S.
intelligence officials said.


Pentagon boosts 'media war' unit  

The US defence department has set up a new unit to better promote its
message across 24-hour rolling news outlets, and particularly on the


Concerned more for the dead than for the living: 

The British intercede when they see their war dead threatened but when
innocent Palestinians are killed in their sleep by monstrous unprovoked
Israeli violence, they set about quibbling about the balance of blame
between the two sides.


How to get promoted in the Bush administration? Spy for Israel

Alleged AIPAC informant promoted : 
06/23/06 - The Bush administration promoted David Satterfield, an
alleged informant for a former AIPAC lobbyist facing trial in a
classified information case.


Israel: 2007 budget to perpetuate gaps between Jewish, Arab schools  

The Education Ministry's 2007 budget will likely preserve the gaps
between Jewish and Arab schools in terms of teaching hours, and
development plans for minorities will also be slashed, Haaretz has


Bush gives go-ahead for 'Bush Center' in Israel  

U.S. President George Bush was informed on Tuesday of an initiative to
establish a center under his name in Israel, as a sign of gratitude for
his support for the country and its security


Groups Side With Bush on Bolton  

In the first post-election battle between the Bush administration and
the Democrats, the Jewish community is standing behind the president as
he pushes the candidacy of John Bolton.


Campus Conflict

How the Israeli lobby uses intimidation to prevent academic freedom in
the U.S.


Chavez: Bush should get death penalty 

"If sentencing is to be done," said Chavez earlier this week, "the first
one to be given the most severe sentence this planet has to offer should
be the president of the United States, if we're talking about genocidal


Anti-American sentiment up sharply in Greece-survey

Anti-American sentiment, rooted in Greece since Washington backed a
military dictatorship there almost 40 years ago, has risen sharply in
the past two years, an international survey showed on Thursday.


America faces a future of managing imperial decline 

Bush's failure to grasp the limits of US global power has led to an
adventurism for which his successors will pay a heavy price.,,1948805,00.html


Hoyer Beats Pelosi’s Pick in Race for No. 2 House Post  

House Democrats chose Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland as their
majority leader today after a bruising fight that cast a cloud over the
party’s post-election celebration.


Pelosi backs Democrat tainted by scandal for top position  

Last month, a New York Times article described him as operating "a
political trading post" on Capitol Hill, and a watchdog group has listed
him as among the 20 most corrupt members of Congress in its 2006 list.


Pentagon's Travel System Is Hardly Used  

The Defense Department's computerized travel reservation system has
turned into a half-billion-dollar fiasco, so flawed that only 17 percent
of the travelers are using it as intended, Senate investigators say.,,-6217712,00.html


Race still divides U.S., census says 

Decades after the civil rights movement, racial disparities in income,
education and home ownership persist and, by some measurements, are


-muslim voice-

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