In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Former Saddam judge says execution violates Iraqi law

<,00050004.htm>Press Trust of 

Sulaimaniyah, January 1, 2007

The first chief judge who presided over Saddam Hussein's trial for crimes 
against humanity said on Monday that the late dictator's execution by the 
Iraqi government was illegal.

Rizkar Mohammed Amin, who later resigned as the trial's chief judge, said 
Iraqi law banned executions during the Eid al-Adha festival period that 
marks the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage.

The four-day Feast of the Sacrifice began for Iraqi Sunnis on Saturday - 
the day Saddam was hanged in Baghdad - and on Sunday for Shiites.

Amin also claimed that Iraqi law stipulates an execution must be carried 
out 30 days after the appeal court's decision on the sentencing, which in 
this case upheld the death sentence of Saddam.

But in ratifying the death sentence on December 26, the appeals chamber 
insisted that the law stipulated the sentence be implemented within 30 days.

Amin resigned as chief judge of the Dujail trial following political 
pressure amid accusations that he was lenient with Saddam and occasionally 
allowed the late dictator to carry out outbursts in court.

Saddam was hanged on Saturday in a Shia district of Baghdad after he was 
found guilty of executing 148 Shiite villagers from Dujail in the 1980s 
where he escaped an assassination bid.

He was buried on Sunday in his home village of Awja. Iraq's National 
Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie denied that Saddam was executed on Eid 
al-Adha, in an interview with CNN just hours after the hanging.



Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (formerly Jawad al-Maliki) broke the 
Iraqi law when he ordered killing of Saddam without Iraqi President's signature

<>India Daily, NJ

Media Release

Jan. 1, 2007

It was a sad day. Americans delivered Saddam to the 'so called Irqi 
authorities'. A vedeo footage from a cell phone exposed the real nature of 
the Iraqi Government. The killing of Saddam was nothing but a clear 
manifestation of revenge.

According to CNN, Iraqi law requires that Kurd President of Iraq (Talabani) 
must sign the order of execution of Saddam. He refused to sign when he 
learnt "Sadr Killers" will be killing Saddam. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri 
al-Maliki (formerly Jawad al-Maliki) a disciple of Iranian Shiite Moqtada 
Al-Sadr found a new method to get Saddam killed by 'Sadr killers'. He 
decided to break the Iraqi law. The decision was made that no signature of 
the President will be needed.

According to CNN, Saddam was handed over to 'Sadr killers'. Prime Minister 
Nouri al-Maliki personally supervised the killing. Iranian Shiite Al-Sadr 
people took care of the rest chanting 'Moqtada, Moqtada, Moqtada!' The 
video was actually taken for the Shiites especially the Sadr people to see. 
It was leaked. It was badly leaked to the Internet. According to CNN, it is 
now clear why the Iraqi 'Government' cut off all audio in its official 
version. The revengeful Shiites chants are not something world will tolerate!

The world today is astonished at the American action. But one thing is for 
certain - the video shows exactly what kind of Government is in Iraq! If 
the Prime Minister can break the law and kill the former President, what do 
you expect in Iraq?



Saddam's execution: Questions

<>Lech Biegalski, 
Canada Watch

January 1, 2007

According to the official reports, the execution was witnessed by 14 
members of Iraqi government. This means that the voices, we hear in the 
video, belong either to the three executioners, or to Saddam Hussein, or to 
the members of the Iraqi government. If this is true, then:

    * Who and why shouted, "Long live Muhamad Baqir al Sadr!", and then, 
"Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada"? Why would members of Iraqi government want to 
do this? This does not make any sense. If they didn't, who did? Was the 
execution contracted out to the Mahdi Army? Who contracted it out, 
Americans or the Iraqi government? Why?
    * Why the chanting, we hear in the video, sounds like a bunch of young 
guys from the street, rather than "distinguished" members of the 
government? One would expect members of the government to behave in a more 
professional way.
    * Why the three executioners look, dress, and act like civilian 
guerrilla fighters rather than professional officers that would be expected 
to carry out a sentence of such historical and political importance in 
front of the members of the government?
    * Who recorded the cell phone video and published it on internet fully 
knowing that this would provoke a long lasting violence between Sunni and 
Shia Muslims in Iraq. The video seems to clearly "prove" that Shia 
government and Mahdi Army executed Saddam. Who wants and needs a bloody, 
full scale civil war i Iraq? The timing of the execution, that was carried 
out on the morning of the Eid al-Adha, can only be explained by a desire to 
upset both radical and moderate Muslims and therefore to increase the size 
and scope of the expected conflict.

It is highly unlikely that "the organizers" of Saddam's execution did not 
and would not think about the above questions and consequences. What is 
really going on here?

Prof. Juan Cole's comment:

I can hear the chanting of Muqtada, and also the name Muhammad Baqir 
(al-Sadr), whom Saddam killed in 1980.  Anyone hearing this in Arabic would 
say the execution was revenge by the Sadrists, including the Da`wa Party, 
which follows Muhammad Baqir.




-muslim voice-

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