In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Saddam Hussein becomes an Arab folk hero

by Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News

Dec. 30, 2006

Obviously and of course, Saddam Hussein belongs in the lowest circle of 
Dante's Hell, and now, that's where he is. And most of the awful things 
we've been told about his years in power were true. But what haven't we 
been told?

Simply put, Saddam Hussein's brutal reign was made by the USA. He worked 
for the CIA before be became politically prominent in Iraq. He was one of 
America's closet Mideast allies during the 1980s, and received substantial 
US military and financial aid.

When you hear references to his tyranny, his cruelty, the accounts are 
generally true -- he was one hell of a bastard. The 'unknown news', though, 
is that at the peak of Saddam's tyranny and cruelty, the Reagan 
administration didn't just tolerate having Saddam in charge of Iraq, they 
funded and armed his regime. He was America's ally, just like several of 
the world's most despotic bastards are America's allies now.

When he said Iraq had disarmed, it was true.

When the Americans and Brits attacked and occupied Iraq, it wasn't 
necessary. As thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis 
have been killed, it's been nothing but a waste of life.

And once captured, Saddam could have faced justice in an international 
tribunal, but if he had, there were all sorts of true stories he could have 
told about American complicity in his crimes. So instead he was given an 
obviously rigged trial in an Iraqi court, surrounded by American soldiers 
and overseen by American authorities, and then he was executed -- on the 
first day of the Islamic holy days Eid ul-Adha, for a little added insult 
to Muslims around the world.

And of course, now that Saddam Hussein is dead, his tyranny becomes 
irrelevant. What's been accomplished by the war and occupation of Iraq, and 
the trial and execution of Saddam Hussein, is only this: We've made a 
madman into a folk hero. A tyrant has been re-cast as a victim.

It won't be long before Saddam's crimes will be forgotten by most in Iraq 
and the Middle East -- but songs will be sung, legends told, movies made 
about his American-controlled kangaroo trial and execution, and future 
generations of angry insurrection will be inspired.


© by the author.



Saddam can never be allowed a fair trial

by Eric S. Margolis, Toronto Sun

July 31, 2003

If put on public trial, Saddam Hussein would have a field day revealing the 
embarrassing alliance between his brutal regime and Washington:

• CIA's role in bringing the Ba'ath Party to power in a 1958 coup, opening 
the way for Saddam to take control.

• US, Israeli, Iranian destabilization of Iraq during the 1970's by fueling 
Kurdish rebellion. Washington's egging on the aggressive Shah of Iran in 
the Shatt al-Arab waterway dispute, a primary cause of the Iran-Iraq War.

• US secretly urging Iraq to invade Iran in 1980 to overthrow that nation's 
revolutionary Islamic government.

• Covert supply of Saddam's war machine by the US and Britain during the 
eight-year Iran-Iraq conflict: biological warfare programs and germ feeder 
stocks, poison gas manufacturing plants and raw materials. Billions in aid, 
routed through the US Department of Agriculture, Italy's Banco del Lavoro, 
and the shady bank, BCCI. Heavy artillery, munitions, spare parts, trucks, 
field hospitals, and electronics.

Equally important, the US Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA operated 
offices in Baghdad that provided Iraq with satellite intelligence data on 
Iranian troop deployments that provided decisive in the war's titanic 
battles at Basra, Majnoon, and Faw.

• The murky role played by Washington just before Iraq's 1990 invasion of 
Kuwait. The US Ambassador told Saddam `the US takes no position in Arab 
border disputes.' Was this a trap to lure Saddam to invade Kuwait, then 
crush his army, or simple diplomatic bungling? Saddam could supply the 
awkward answers.

In short, Saddam was one of America's closet Mideast allies during the 
1980's, a major recipient of US military and financial aid. Saddam's 
killing of large numbers of Kurds and Shia rebels occurred while he was a 
key US ally. Washington remained mute at the time. When Bush I called on 
Kurds and Shia to revolt in 1991, the US watched impassively as Saddam 
slaughtered the poorly-armed rebels.

Better a bullet-riddled Saddam, or one executed by a military kangaroo 
court in Guantanamo, or hanged by the new, American- installed `Vichy' 
Iraqi regime in Baghdad.

Saddam should be handed over by the US to the UN War Crimes Tribunal in the 
Hague that is currently trying Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic and other 
accused Balkan war criminals. After all, it was Washington that engineered 
Milosevic's delivery to the Hague, an act for which the US deserves high 
praise. What applies to Milosevic applies equally to Saddam Hussein.

In fact, it would be better for the Iraqi leader to stand trial at the 
newly constituted International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague. But the 
Bush Administration, in one
of its most shameful acts, has refused to join this tribunal or cooperate 
with it.

Published by
<>Toronto Sun



-muslim voice-

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