In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Mossad in the CIA

It might be of public interest to know that a significant number of Israeli 
Mossad agents are now working in the United States as employees of the 
Central Intelligence Agency. These agents, some of whom are listed below, 
are initially paid by the Israeli Embassy in Washington but Israel then 
bills the U.S. Government for the salaries and is reimbursed in full on a 
monthly basis.

These are Israeli citizens but many of the middle level CIA officials are 
American-born Jews and not included in this list but we do know who they 
are. All of them, without exception, work for Israel and Israeli interests, 
not American interests and more than a few are known to be friendly with a 
number of the so-called Neocons, a significant number of whom are also 
Israeli citizens.


War Criminal : Murder in Haditha

Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, the squad's leader, shot the men one by one 
after Marines ordered them out of a white taxi in the moments following the 
explosion, which killed one Marine and injured two others, witnesses told 
investigators. Another Marine fired rounds into their bodies as they lay on 
the ground.


War Criminal : Death in Haditha

Eyewitness Accounts in Report Indicate Marines Gunned Down Unarmed Iraqis 
in the Aftermath of a Roadside Bombing in 2005

U.S. Marines gunned down five unarmed Iraqis who stumbled onto the scene of 
a 2005 roadside bombing in Haditha, Iraq, according to eyewitness accounts 
that are part of a lengthy investigative report obtained by The Washington 


In Case You Missed It : Iraqi Girl tells of US Attack in Haditha

Video : Ten-year-old Iman Walid witnessed the killing of seven members of 
her family in an attack by American marines last November. The interview 
with Iman was filmed exclusively for ITV News by Ali Hamdani,our Iraqi 
video diarist.


Bush surrounds himself with war supporters

President Bush yesterday began an overhaul of his top military and 
diplomatic teams as he prepared to announce a highly controversial increase 
of 20,000 US troops in Iraq. He is to replace his two senior generals in 
Iraq, both said to be sceptical about increasing troop numbers, and he has 
also reshuffled his national security and foreign policy teams.,,175-2533292,00.html


War Criminal : Bush won't end Iraq war on his own

The president of the United States does not have the sense God gave a 
duck--so it's up to us. You and me.




The zionist in Iraq. Video and pictures


Jews and the Iraq War


They have made a killing

The US has spent a million dollars for every dead Iraqi - is that what they 
mean by value for money?


The whole bloody thing was obscene

The lynching of Saddam Hussein - for that is what we are talking about - 
will turn out to be one of the determining moments in the whole shameful 
crusade upon which the West embarked in March of 2003.


Justice Is Done: Why Doesn't It Feel Like It?

They tied a cloth around Hussein's neck before dropping the heavily knotted 
noose over his head. It's an interesting humanitarian gesture designed 
surely, to prove that a barbaric act by civilized people is more humane 
than the inhumanity of its violent counterparts. After all, saving the neck 
of a hanging victim from rope burns is not only hardly necessary, it is 
also ludicrous, laughable, absurd.


Ethnic Cleansing in Battle for Baghdad - Sistani Aide Claims threat to 
Islamic Line

Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports in Arabic that Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala'i, an aide 
to Sistani in the holy city of Karbala in the south, said Friday that a 
failure of the al-Maliki governmen might well discredit the whole "Islamic 
line." He urged the government to act before it was too late. It would be 
ironic if the collapse of Iraq really did discredit political Islam. But I 
fear it is more likely to discredit democracy and the United States. It is 
hard to discredit utopian ideologies. Studies have shown that members of 
sects whose leaders predict the end of the world on a certain date are 
actually more committed to the leader when the date comes and goes with 
nothing happening. Apparently they had so much time, money, and social 
networks invested in him that they didn't want to lose it all.


Sunni Group: Iraqi Govt. Linked To Militias

The Association of Muslim Scholars said it had obtained information that 
militias were planning to attack neighborhoods in Baghdad.


The execution debate on Al-Jazeera: You are an Iranian dog

This is a video from a debate broadcast on Al-Jazeera about Saddam 
execution in 2-1-2007, Mashaan Al-Jaburi reveals the real identity of this 
person who claim that he representing Iraq. Persons: Mashaan Al-Jaburi 
(right side): Chairman of the reconciliation and liberation bloc in Iraqi 
Parliament, owner of Al-Zawraa TV satellite channel; Sadeq al-Musawi (left 
side): [pseudo name] Chief of Iraqi Media and International Relations 
Faisal Al-Kasim: Al-Jazeera anchor, of "The Opposite Direction" show. (...) 
Mashaan al-Jabouri: Well, first, if you please, Mr. Faisal allowed me to 
explain to the audience…. you were unable to bring one national Shiite 
guest accepts to show himself in this position. Clarify for the Iraqis….. 
these papers issued by the Interior Ministry, this person [Sadeq al-Musawi] 
who his name is "Tarek" request of Iraqi nationality in 2004, You know that 
he entered Qatar as Tariq and not on as Sadeq Al Mousawi, his father and 
mother living in Iran when recalling his friends, he recalls Ibrahim 
al-Jaafari and says that the has no family in Iraq. This person is not of 
an Iraqi citizen, he is part of the Safavid, Iranian project, when I say 
Shiites I do not mean the sons of Iraq from the Shiites Patriots...


Saddam Execution : The Puppet Is Upset

Lyncher-in-Chief Is Upset About Worldwide Revulsion At The Barbarity of His 
Shiite Thugs: The sock puppet threatened to cut diplomatic relations with 
any country criticizing the lynching...


Al-Hayat reports Baghdad is on the verge

Al-Hayat cites statements by the Association of Muslim Scholars and by 
Adnan Dulaimi, head of the biggest Sunni coalition in Parliament, warning 
that Baghdad is on the verge of a new level of violence. Dulaimi warned 
that the Shiite militias, having obtained control of most of Shiite east 
Baghdad, are preparing an organized attack on the remaining Sunni 
neighborhoods in the western part of the city. The Al-Hayat reporter says 
leaders of armed groups are advising their friends to leave Baghdad before 
this starts...


Future of Iraq: The spoils of war

he US government has been involved in drawing up the law, a draft of which 
has been seen by The Independent on Sunday. It would give big oil companies 
such as BP, Shell and Exxon 30-year contracts to extract Iraqi crude and 
allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil interests in the 
country since the industry was nationalised in 1972.

So the American troops who are fighting and dying in Iraq are not fighting 
and dying because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, or because Saddam 
Hussein was in any way a threat to the US: they are dying for oil.


Kofi Annan blasts Bush as “incorrigible bastard” in UN farewell speech

Outgoing UN Secretary General Kofi Annan referred to former UN Ambassador 
John Bolton as “arrogant” and “contemptuous,” and to US President Bush as 
an “incorrigible bastard,” in his farewell speech today from Havenport, 
Michigan. Through a translator, Annan praised the US and its long history 
of defense of principles of human rights, but criticized the current 
President for his conduct in international relations, and his designated UN 
Abassador for truculence on important diplomatic matters. “Sometimes, a 
friendly face or demeanor hides a more recalcitrant person. In their case, 
even their faces are unseemly. Their underlying character is, therefore, 
quite uncouth and uncivil.”


Iraq: At least 70 killed in ongoing U.S. occupation

Police in Baghdad found 47 bodies, many shot and tortured, in the 24 hours 
to Friday night, an interior ministry source said.


Video: US tank on fire in Falluja

A US tank is seriously damaged and catches fire after it struck a roadside 
bomb in Falluja


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 5 January 2007.

    * Resistance bomb destroys Abrams tank in al-Fallujah Friday morning.
    * Two Resistance bombs rip through patrol of Iraqi puppet “National 
Guard” Thursday evening.
    * Resistance blasts US base in al-Fallujah with mortar shells Thursday 
    * US occupation troops raided the ar-Rahman Mosque in western Baghdad’s 
al-Khadra’ district after Friday congregational prayer services there.
    * Pro-Iranian militia blast residential areas of southern Baghdad 
Thursday night.
    * Resistance bomb destroys Humvee, leaving four American Marines 
reported dead in al-Mahmudiyah late Friday.
    * Two puppet police die when booby-trapped house explodes over them in 
Tall ‘Afar Thursday.
    * Resistance fighters assault puppet army checkpoint north of 
ad-Dulu‘iyah Friday morning.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts puppet army checkpoint in al-Khalis.
    * US, puppet forces raid homes arrest residents and local Imam in 
al-Iskandariyah Thursday.
    * Resistance fighters attack home of puppet Oil Facility Protection 
Force southwest of Kirkuk Friday morning.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in Kirkuk early Friday.
    * Resistance fighters kill puppet police colonel in al-Mawsil Thursday 



...I never thought I would be so happy to come back home. I am still 
disoriented and traumatized, and though I had taken pain killers, and 
coffee after coffee, I just can't bring myself to sleep. Early this morning 
while walking in Ramallah, I took a road that brought awful memories into 
my head. Last year, I witnessed one of the Israeli forces' raids in 
Ramallah. Though it was from a distance, it was a chilling experience to be 
totally surrounded by bullets and blood. I have just come back from 
Ramallah where together with my sister I was locked inside a building at Al 
Manara, Ramallah's city center, for four hours. While we were shopping this 
afternoon, people started running, stores began closing up, and the 
Palestinian policemen fled from Al Manara. Everyone was pointing somewhere 
upwards and there were two Israeli helicopters flying in Ramallah's skies...


4 killed as Hamas says U.S. is funding a 'revolt' against our government

"We demand that Abbas reject this U.S. policy, which is tearing the 
Palestinian people apart,"


Abbas demands that rival Hamas join security forces

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has demanded that a force led by the 
ruling Hamas movement be integrated into existing security structures as 
factional tensions simmered in Gaza following two days of deadly clashes.


Nancy Pelosis : You Don't Speak for All Americans on Palestine

Since Mrs. Pelosi is so concerned about America 's tarnished image abroad, 
she should stop pandering to the powerful pro-Israeli lobby. Maybe then we 
can have a genuine and just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.


America's new puppet

By its ill-judged invasion of Somalia, Ethiopia has become an accomplice in 
Bush's war on terror,,1983296,00.html


Anti-Ethiopian protests rock Somali capital

Ethiopian occupation troops and Somali protesters exchanged fire in 
Mogadishu on Saturday killing three people, witnesses said, as hundreds of 
Somalis demonstrated against the foreign forces and a government 
disarmament drive.


Somalia: A State Restored?

A makeshift state, the Transitional Federal Government, which had been 
created years ago by other states but was almost invisible within Somalia, 
was installed in Mogadishu. The Somali state was restored ­ or so it seems.


9/11 : Inside Gitmo North

EXCLUSIVE: After being held without charge for five years, terrorism 
suspect Mahmoud Jaballah speaks out from the special, high-security 
facility built just for him and two others near Kingston

BATH, Ont.­In neat handwriting that fills three pages are Mahmoud 
Jaballah's complaints about daily life inside this $3.2 million portable 
surrounded by barbed wire that was built for him and two other Toronto 
terrorism suspects.

Jaballah and two other detainees held here stand accused by Canada's spy 
service of belonging to organizations with connections to Al Qaeda ­ claims 
they deny. They have been held for more than five years. None have been 
charged criminally but remain detained here in legal limbo.


9/11 : FBI probes death threat against Muslim leader

The FBI said Friday that it is investigating a death threat sent to the 
leader of a local Muslim group after U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer rescinded a 
certificate her office had awarded to him.


Crimes Against Humanity From Ford to Saddam

If we do not limit our analysis of Ford to his role as a U.S. "statesman," 
and instead examine his behavior through an internationalist lens similar 
to that employed to judge Saddam Hussein and concerned with crimes against 
humanity, we find that Ford, too, was responsible for mass murder-in East 


Confronting the Empire : It's time …

Get on board the Middle East war-escalator ­ Republicans, Democrats, one 
and all! Screw the American people and the recent election results ­ that 
was then, this is now.


DICTATORSHIP : The Privacy Office

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a special office that 
monitors the “privacy implications” of DHS plans, and issues “Privacy 
Impact Assessments” to the public. A more honest name would be “The Office 
of Public Pacification,” as its assessments do nothing but repeatedly 
assure the reader that their “privacy” is secure. The DHS is building 
consolidated databases of personal information that its controllers in the 
White House will use as they please.


FBI probes death threat against Muslim leader

The FBI said Friday that it is investigating a death threat sent to the 
leader of a local Muslim group after U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer rescinded a 
certificate her office had awarded to him.


Howard government unveils new “Australian values” citizenship test

Howard announced that migrants would have to answer 30 multiple-choice 
questions on Australian society and history from a collection of 200, with 
all questions and responses exclusively in English


-muslim voice-

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