In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Has America become a rogue state?

What exactly are we doing in the Horn of Africa, where we have encouraged 
the Christian government of Ethiopia to invade Somalia and replace its 
Islamic government? As far as I can tell, we have violated international 
law, committed war crimes, helped Al Qaeda recruit new members, and 
involved ourselves in a guerrilla war that could last decades. It's Iraq 
writ small. And it can't be blamed on Donald Rumsfeld.


Blaming the Iraqis: A new cover-up for American militarism

see also: Pentagon report admits fabricated intelligence used to justify 
Iraq war


The US says it is fighting for democracy - but is deaf to the cries of the 

02/11/07 "The Independent" -- -- There was unprecedented élite condemnation 
of the plans to invade Iraq. Sensible analysts were able to perceive that 
the enterprise carried significant risks for US interests, however 
conceived. Phrases thrown in by the official Presidential Directive from 
the standard boilerplate about freedom that accompany every action, and are 
close to a historical universal, were dismissed as meaningless by 
reasonable people. Global opposition was utterly overwhelming, and the 
likely costs to the US were apparent, though the catastrophe created by the 
invasion went far beyond anyone's worst expectations. It's amusing to watch 
the lying as the strongest supporters of the war try to deny what they very 
clearly said.


   How the key 9/11 myths were implanted

Two major 9/11 anomalies have been thoroughly documented, specifically:
1) The stand down of US air defense on the morning of 9/11 that permitted 
commercial jet aircraft to fly erratically and in restricted air space 
without challenge
2) Overwhelming physical evidence that World Trade Center buildings #1, #2, 
and #7 were brought down by controlled demolition

A third significant anomaly has not been discussed, let alone acknowledged: 
the reporting by the major US TV news networks in the first few hours 
immediately after the attacks.


The Words of Mohammad, 11-year-old Prisoner

During the day Friday, the words of 11-year-old Mohammad Hazahza have 
filled him up and weighed him down. On Friday night, he pours the words 
back out, as if wanting to be lifted back up.

"Mohammad is so protective of his mother," says Ralph Isenberg in a weary 
and reverent voice, recalling the day's visits to Dallas reporters. "I 
watched as he got her chair and made her comfortable. And that's what he 
did in jail. He protected her from forced labor. When she was ordered to 
clean the common area, he did that work for her. He really understands 
family and duty."


Resistance organization “Brigades of the 1920 Revolution” denies and 
denounces report in The Independent that they had accepted terms for 
negotiations with the US occupiers: “our choice is armed struggle and armed 
struggle alone until the occupation is expelled.”


Amazing question! A Citizen Of Mosul

A question from one of the readers make me change my mind. The question is:
"it always amazes me when America gets blamed for suicide bombers, 
kidnappers, people beheading innocents, murdering militias, et al".

My answer is that: "before the occupation (i.e. before the americans came 
to us), there were no suicide bombers, no kidnappers, and no murdering 
militias. All these came with the occupation, and America failed or didn,t 
want to control the situation. America is the only responsible for the 
blood shed in Iraq. And the Iraqis will never forgive it for that."


Insurgents launch deadly attacks on Iraq security forces

At least 34 people killed in insurgents’ attacks on Iraqi and US forces in 
northern Iraq.

Insurgents launched deadly assaults on Iraqi and US forces in northern Iraq 
Sunday, killing at least 34 people, while security forces pressed on with a 
major crackdown in Baghdad.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 10 February 2007.

    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US Marines in al-Fallujah 
Saturday morning.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts US column near ar-Ramadi late Saturday, 
killing a reported 10 US troops.
    * Resistance fighters destroy two US vehicles in Saturday battle with 
American troops.
    * Resistance fire hits US Apache helicopter over ar-Ramadi.
    * Resistance battles US troops in ar-Ramadi Saturday morning.
    * Three women, denied legal counsel, sentenced to death for involvement 
in Resistance attacks in Baghdad.
    * US troops arrest Sunni religious leader Saturday night.
    * Demonstrations sweep Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district to protest 
arrest of local religious leader and his wife.
    * Resistance car bomb targets Jaysh al-Mahdi headquarters in Baghdad’s 
al-Kamaliyah district Saturday afternoon.
    * Resistance car bomb kills seven at propaganda office of Badr Brigades 
in Baghdad’s al-Karradah district.
    * Fifteen local residents dead on third day of American-imposed 
blockade and curfew in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * Resistance bomb leaves US soldier reported dead in Ba‘qubah Saturday 
    * Six US troops reported killed when booby-trapped house blows up over 
them in Ba‘qubah.
    * US troops make mass arrests, surround, raid girls school in Buhriz.
    * Resistance fighter attack, surround Marine column in al-Mahmudiyah 
Saturday night.
    * US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in Tall 
‘Afar Saturday evening.
    * Pro-Iranian militiamen assassinate Shaykh of Arab Shi‘i tribe in 


Israel=Zionism=Terrorism? God forbid!!

! Warning ! The following documentaries contain extremely graphic footage 
of atrocities that are accruing in Palestine, perpetrated by Zionists. If 
you may feel offended, consider how the people in these videos , who are 
not actors but experiencing these Zionist terrorism firsthand, feel.


-muslim voice-

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