The new world order theory 

The term New World Order (Novus Ordo Mundi) has been used to refer to a new 
period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and 
the balance of power.

When we talk about New World Order (NWO), we can say it relates to hegemony and 
the dominance of stronger countries over others. If we look back through 
history, we can see various attempts made by several countries to create a NWO 
or some sort of dominance over other countries. 

Some of these attempts were led by great warriors such as Alexander the Great 
(Macedonian Empire), Julius Caesar (Roman Empire), Genghis Khan (Mongol 
Empire), Napoleon Bonaparte (French Empire) and Adolf Hitler, among others. 
From this we can see that every attempt to rule the world so far has been 
needless and devastating. 

We have heard many theories and conspiracy theories relating to a NWO, 
including the United States and the United Kingdom wanting to form a federal 
world government. Other theories include the Illuminati (The People of The 
Light) believing they are masterminds behind events that will eventually lead 
to the creation of a NWO and that the Freemasons are involved in a conspiracy 
to create a NWO. Others say international organizations such as the World Bank, 
the IMF, the European Union, the United Nations and NATO are trying to create a 

In my opinion, these theories will never materialize because of strong 
disagreement from Russia, China and various Islamic countries. 

In regard to the above, today we can see that even more countries are trying to 
dominate and create some sort of order among themselves by creating unions and 
alliances, such as the European Union (EU), the African Union and the alliance 
between the U.S., the UK, Australia and Canada. 

Countries from Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and the 
Philippines will become an oasis for peace and as such, the world's most 
popular tourist destinations. It is most likely that Japan and South Korea will 
join them. 

The formation of such unions will cause many difficulties and 
misunderstandings. Unions will be formed with common objectives such as a 
desire to compete, to dominate, to parry, to be the biggest and some even to 
survive, regardless of differences in religion, nationality, color of skin, 
history or culture. 

Bigger unions mean greater desires, such as the desire to be first, to be the 
biggest or to be the strongest no matter what. These desires will create 
disorder among countries, and eventually will create war between nations, a war 
that will destroy mankind and mark the beginning of a true world order. 

Belgrade, Serbia 



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