Radicalism among Muslim professionals worries many 
By Hassan M. Fattah

Friday, July 13, 2007 
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: They were some of the best and brightest in the 
Muslim world who toiled for years to master their knowledge. Now they stand 
accused of seeking mass murder.

For weeks, commentators and analysts in the Muslim world have been grappling 
with the implications that a Muslim doctor and engineer, at the pinnacle of 
their society, may have been behind the failed car bombings in London and 
Glasgow last month.

The question being asked in many educated and official circles is this: how 
could such acts be committed by people who have supposedly dedicated their 
lives to scientific rationalism and to helping others?

The answer, some scientists and analysts say, may lie in the way that a growing 
movement of fervent Muslims use science as reinforcement of religious belief, 
rather than as a means for questioning and exploring the foundations of the 
natural world.

"It's not that surprising for doctors and engineers to be involved in political 
Islamist movements - both of the violent and the more moderate sort," said 
Taner Edis, associate professor of physics at Truman State University in 
Missouri and author of "An Illusion of Harmony: Science and Religion in Islam."

He and other researchers who study Islamist movements say that the involvement 
of doctors and engineers in terrorism is not shocking. Muslim scientists are 
among the most politicized groups in the region, and the Muslim approach to the 
scientific method, in the most extreme cases, can squelch the freewheeling 
curiosity at the heart of scientific discovery.

"Fundamentalist-type attitudes are relatively common among people in applied 
science in the Muslim world," Edis said. "The conception has been that modern 
science is developed outside, and we need to bring it into our societies 
without it corrupting our culture."

In other words, science is a tool for furthering an ideology rather than a 
means of examining core beliefs.

For Islamists like Zaghloul el-Naggar in Cairo, who hosts a popular television 
show about the Koran's scientific teachings, all science can be discovered 
within the Koran - from the cause of earthquakes to genetics. Such direct links 
between science and religion ultimately hamper the scientific method by making 
some questions taboo, analysts say.

"You have the emergence of a new kind of religious figure who is not a cleric, 
and all of his authority is as a scientist," said Todd Pitock, who profiles 
Naggar in an article about Islam and science in the July issue of the magazine 
Discover. "The whole purpose of science for some Islamists is using it to 
reinforce faith; it really has nothing to do with science itself."

Medicine and engineering have long been the most prestigious professions in the 
Arab world, and many of its most illustrious writers, thinkers and politicians 
have risen through engineering and medical schools.

Many notable militant leaders, too, have graduated from those schools. They 
include George Habash, a doctor and founder of the leftist Popular Front for 
the Liberation of Palestine; the late Fathi Shikaki, a doctor and founder of 
Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Mahmoud Zahar and several other leaders of Hamas who 
trained as doctors; and Osama bin Laden, an engineer, and Ayman al-Zawahri, his 
No. 2 in Al Qaeda, once a practicing doctor.

Nor are such militants limited to the Arab world; they are among a list of 
radical doctors and scientists who have risen in leftist, and extremist 
movements and groups in recent decades in the West, Asia and the Arab world, 
including Che Guevara.

Extremists are of course a tiny minority of the thousands of graduates that 
come out of the region's science programs every year. But increasingly, 
analysts and researchers say, the region's engineering and medical schools have 
become hotbeds of nonviolent political Islamist activity. Many Arab doctors, in 
turn, have led the charge against American, Israeli and Western interference in 
the region, building on their time-honored roles as community leaders.

"The doctor at one time or another presented a figure who could really decide 
life and death," said Sari Nasser, professor of sociology at the University of 
Jordan. "Now doctors have this tradition that they have to lead people and not 
to let them down. This is one reason why doctors as such are leading the fight 
against the West."

At the University of Jordan medical school, for example, where Mohammed Asha, a 
suspect in the Glasgow bombing, was a star student, politics features 
prominently in student life, Medical students lead demonstrations, fund-raising 
drives and boycotts against Israel, the United States and other causes. For 
some professors at the school, the surprise was that Asha, who seemed largely 
apolitical during his time at school, could be connected to Islamic militancy. 
"I might have accepted this from some of the other students," said one of his 
professors, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But he was not an activist 
like the others."

Hassan Abu Hanieh, who researches and has close ties with militant Islamist 
movements in the region, says they have their own scientific perspective in 
which there are simple questions and clear answers. "They have an equation 
which is one plus one equals two-Israel is the enemy and its allies are 
apostates, for example," he says.

"If these are the symptoms then this is the disease," he adds. "They diagnose 
the West and regard it as their enemy. Their mind-set is hard and their 
knowledge is based on facts, with one opinion and no room for exchanging views."

It was perhaps inevitable, he and others say, that Al Qaeda would seek to 
recruit Muslim doctors and scientists into its ideology for tactical reasons as 
well. Zawahri is reported to have sought recruits who could blend in the West.

"Wherever you go in the Muslim world, those who are most violent and most 
extremist are the ones who have the most scientific tendencies," Abu Hanieh 
said. "One could even argue that sciences might contribute to increasing one's 
radical thinking if the radical finds justifications to his philosophy through 
science," he said.

For many Muslim doctors in the West, the implications add yet another challenge.

"Ninety-nine percent of us don't go beyond political activism; what is the 
difference between the 99 percent and the 1 percent who go to violent 
extremism?" said Hasan Shanawani, a senior member of the Association of Muslim 
Health Professionals, in Downers Grove, Illinois, who said that doctors are 
normally on the lookout for foul play in medicine and will now have to be just 
as vigilant about spotting extremism. "How do we find that needle in a 
haystack? That's what's really bothering us."

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