
Best regards
Tomi Satryatomo

"We shall build good ship here,
at a profit if we can,
at a loss if we must,
but... always a good ship."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kar yin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 26, 2007 5:37 AM
Subject: Asian Film Festival Call for Entries

Hello dear friends and colleagues,

I've joined the staff of the 26th San Francisco International Asian
American Film Festival!  I'm not in charge of programming, but I
thought I'd spread the word about our call for entries.  Some of you
are filmmakers/producers or might know of people who could to submit
to the film festival.

The main criteria is that it's a film made by or about Asians (any
nationality) or Asian Americans.  Detailed submisison guidelines are
available at the following webaddress:

The early deadline has already passed and the next deadline is Oct. 5.
 There's not much time left, so if you have something that might be
good for the festival, act now.

Hope all of you are well.


Kar Yin

Tomi Satryatomo

"We shall build good ship here,
at a profit if we can,
at a loss if we must,
but... always a good ship."

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