Conflict areas more peaceful: Govt 
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The government has said the situation in the three conflict areas of Aceh, 
Maluku and Papua are moving steadily toward peace -- but said national security 
would remain "on alert against separatist movements".

"In general, security conditions in the three areas are relatively conducive to 
peace ... there are almost no armed conflicts," Coordinating Minister for 
Political, Legal and Security Affairs Widodo A.S. was quoted as saying by 

Widodo met with the House of Representatives Commission I overseeing defense 
and security affairs on Monday, along with Maritime Affair and Fisheries 
Minister Freddy Numberi, the Indonesia Military chief Air Chief Marshal Djoko 
Suyanto, the National Police chief Gen. Sutanto and the State Intelligence 
Agency chief Syamsir Siregar. 

Widodo said small criminal incidents in Aceh were because Aceh residents were 
not satisfied with tsunami rehabilitation works or with post-conflict 
reintegration efforts. 

"Flag-burning and the establishment of a new local party GAM are against the 
spirit of Helsinki peace agreement and have led to security incidents in Aceh," 
Widodo said. 

The flag-burning incident took place in North Aceh before the celebration of 
Indonesia's Independence Day on Aug. 17. 

Aug. 17 also saw some 150 national flags lowered across Aceh, including in the 
provincial capital Banda Aceh. 

Widodo said the implementation in Papua of a special autonomy status and the 
following developments throughout Papua and West Papua provinces had eased 
security problems there. 

However, Papuan armed and unarmed separatists movement still exist. The armed 
group is considered a threat despite its small size. 

The Free Papua Organization (OPM) is involved in a low-level conflict in Papua. 

"The separatist groups often focus on poor human rights and slow development 
issues," Widodo said. 

"They also try to bring Papua issues to the international arena to demand the 
United Nations review the integration of Papua into Indonesia." 

On Maluku, Widodo said the separatists incidents carried out by supporters of 
the South Maluku Republic (RMS) included a separatist flag being raised in 
Ambon on July 3. And he said on March 24 a flag was flown in Utrecht, the 

Widodo said RMS supporters were seeking sympathy from local and international 
communities through "the distribution of brochures, flag raising activities and 

"They just want to show their existence to local and international 
communities," he said. 

RMS supporters performed on June 29 a cakalele war dance and tried to unfurl a 
separatist flag in front of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who was in Ambon 
to commemorate National Family Day. 

Widodo said his office had issued policies to prevent similar disintegration 
movements nationwide. 

"Technically, we are conducting intelligence and defense operations for the 
defense sector," he said. 

"The central government also urges regional administrations to carry out 
existing regional autonomy schemes. 

"Regions should develop local economies to increase their public's welfare." 

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